Responsibilities of Research Degree Candidates
As a research degree candidate, the student is fully responsible for managing his/her work. In this process, generally, the candidate will need to:
- Ensure that he/she is familiar with IOU’s policies and requirements.
- Advance his/her understanding of and familiarity with various methodological approaches to research.
- Maintain regular contact with his/her supervisor(s) and keep them informed of the progress.
- Meet all the deadlines and act upon IOU’s regulations regarding the research programs.
Additionally, other specific responsibilities of research degree candidates include the following:
- It is your responsibility to contact your supervisor(s) on a regular basis and set the agenda for supervisory sessions. Give advance notice of any specific questions or issues you wish to discuss. Supervision is generally more productive and effective if you and your supervisor(s) are adequately prepared for the consultation.
- Provide your supervisor(s) with any readings which may form the background to the supervisory session (e.g., giving references to relevant published writing or providing copies of your own or others’ writing).
- Try to submit draft material that is at an advanced and relatively ‘polished’ stage of development.
- It is also your responsibility to produce correct text, free of all types of errors – your supervisor(s) is not responsible to correct your linguistic and typing errors.
- All research degree candidates have a responsibility to demonstrate academic honesty in their work and conduct.
- Provide your supervisor(s) the earlier draft(s)/final draft of the research proposal/thesis by mutually acceptable dates, prior to the final, stipulated submission date.
- You need to adequately respond to feedback and guidance provided by the supervisor(s) with regard to the earlier and final drafts of your research proposal/thesis.
- You need to prepare for the viva voce examination adequately, and attend the examination as required by the IOU.