International Open University
Frequenty Asked Questions (FAQ)
Is there a separate fee for learning materials?
There is no fee charged for course materials, which consists of a PDF file. Flash videos and mp3 audios are available for online streaming as well as for download. We also provide an E-Library for students free of charge. If a student wishes to purchase hard copies of the required texts, they may do so from external sources.
What will happen to the uncommon courses when I change my stream? Will my grades for such courses be recognized and mentioned in my final transcript.
Yes, these uncommon courses will appear on the student's permanent academic record with the final course mark and noted as "Additional Courses". However, they are not included in calculating the student's Grade Point Average and do not count towards the degree, diploma or certificate credit.
Is study on the International Open University really free?
What are the benefits of studying on the IOU?
IOU provides you with the authentic Islamic teachings that are based on the Qur'an and Sunnah. IOU also includes contemporary subjects like Economics, Psychology, Management etc. all taught from an Islamic perspective to provide students better understanding and enable them to practice their profession according to Islamic values and ethics.
Where is the International Open University based?
International Open University is an online university which means that it is accessible anywhere with a computer and an Internet connection. The IOU head office is based in The Gambia but the entire study is conducted only on the Internet.
What is the purpose for the establishment of International Open University?
Which school of thought does the IOU follow?
What programs does International Open University offer?
Program | Stream | Department |
Master of Arts in Islamic Studies | Degree | Islamic Studies |
Master of Arts in Islamic Studies with Concentration in Arabic | Degree | Islamic Studies |
Bachelor of Arts in Islamic Studies | Degree | Islamic Studies |
Bridge Diploma to MA in Islamic Studies | Higher Diploma | Islamic Studies |
Advance Diploma in Islamic Studies | Advance Diploma | Islamic Studies |
BA Islamic Studies Audit courses | Audit | Islamic Studies |
Bachelor of Science in Psychology | Degree | Psychology |
Associate Degree in Psychology | Associate Degree | Psychology |
Certificate in Psychology | Certificate | Psychology |
Advance Diploma in Psychology | Advance Diploma | Psychology |
BSc Psychology Audit courses | Audit | Psychology |
Bachelor in Education | Degree | Education |
Associate Degree in Education | Associate Degree | Education |
Certificate in Education | Certificate | Education |
Advance Diploma in Education | Advance Diploma | Education |
BEd Audit courses | Audit | Education |
Bachelor of Science in Islamic Economics, Banking, and Finance | Degree | Islamic Economics, Banking, and Finance |
Associate Degree in Islamic Economics, Banking, and Finance | Associate Degree | Islamic Economics, Banking, and Finance |
Certificate in Islamic Economics, Banking, and Finance | Certificate | Islamic Economics, Banking, and Finance |
Advance Diploma in Islamic Economics, Banking, and Finance | Advance Diploma | Islamic Economics, Banking, and Finance |
BScIBE Audit courses | Audit | Islamic Economics, Banking, and Finance |
Bachelor in Business Administration | Degree | Business Administration |
Associate Degree in Business Administration | Associate Degree | Business Administration |
Certificate in Business Administration | Certificate | Business Administration |
Advance Diploma in Business Administration | Advance Diploma | Business Administration |
BBA Audit courses | Audit | Business Administration |
Bachelor of Science in Information Technology | Degree | Information Technology |
Associate Degree in Information Technology | Associate Degree | Information Technology |
Certificate in Information Technology | Certificate | Information Technology |
Advance Diploma in Information Technology | Advance Diploma | Information Technology |
BScIT Audit courses | Audit | Information Technology |
Intensive Arabic Program | Diploma | Arabic Language and Linguistics |
Associate's Degree in Islamic Studies (DC IS) | Youth Dual Credit Program | Islamic Studies |
Associate's Degree in Education (DC ED) | Youth Dual Credit Program | Education |
Associate's Degree in Islamic Economics, Banking and Finance (DC IBE) | Youth Dual Credit Program | Islamic Economics, Banking, and Finance |
Associate's Degree in Psychology (DC PSY) | Youth Dual Credit Program | Psychology |
Associate's Degree in Business Administration (DC BA) | Youth Dual Credit Program | Business Administration |
Associate's Degree in Information Technology (DC IT) | Youth Dual Credit Program | Information Technology |
The IOU also has the Global Qur'an Memorization Center and a free diploma section where the students get a certificate after completing each course and a diploma after completing 24 courses or more.
Where does the study take place?
Who are the students of the International Open University?
Any prior education qualification before enrolling for the courses?
1. There is no prior educational qualification required for the free diploma courses here .
2. As for the accredited degree, diploma and certificate programs in the mainstream studies, the minimum requirement is a high school diploma.
3. The admission requirement of the graduate program of MA is mentioned here.
4. It is also possible for students who do not have a high school diploma to join the bachelor's or even the master's program and complete the entire study without getting a degree at the end. Such students will get an IOU Advanced Diploma upon successful completion of the program. This option is available under the IOU Open Education Program.
Do we have to complete the Diploma courses before enrolling into the Degree program?
Is there any age limit to join the courses?
What is the language of instruction at the IOU?
The IOU also has a Russian campus where the language of instruction is Russian: IOU Russia
When IOU’s site says it is accredited globally, does it mean IOU's degrees will be accepted by universities in all countries including US, Canada, Australia, UAE, etc.?
We cannot claim that ALL universities will accept IOU's degrees, as it each country has its own practices and standards for recognition of university credits and studies, accreditation and/or recognition of prior learning (RPL). As such, IOU can only focuss on meeting requirements for registration, accreditation and endorsement in our host countries. Through international higher education conventions, a registered and accredited university of a particularly country is recognized globally, however, some countries and universities may reserve the right not to recognize another’s qualifications - which is completely beyond the control of the degree-issuing university. The Islamic Online University (now renamed to the ‘International Open University – The Gambia’) is fully registered and accredited with the Ministry of Education, Culture and Higher Education in the Somali Federal Republic. Our newly-relocated head offices are in The Gambia. We are registered with the National Accreditation and Quality Assurance Authority (NAQAA) of Gambia and awaiting finalization of our institutional accreditation. The ‘Islamic Online University’ also holds provisional registration with the National Council of Higher Education (NCHE) in Malawi. We have multiple satellite campuses in various countries world-wide that operate under the registration and accreditation obtained in our host countries (Somali Federal Republic, The Gambia, and Malawi). Whilst every effort is made to fulfill, meet and maintain registration and accreditation requirements in our host countries; as per international practice, the recognition of IOU-issued qualifications in non-host countries is at the discretion of their relevant national councils, that have diverse criteria for accepting foreign qualifications. As such, we encourage all our students not residing in our host countries to validate the recognition of the qualification with their national authorities. IOU is governed by the regulations and quality assurance practices and policies of our host countries.
May I know the universities where IOU's graduates were able to take admission in higher/postgraduate studies based on IOU's issued degree?
While it is quite difficult to keep track of this, we have been notified of some of our graduates pursuing postgraduate studies in Indonesia and Gambia.
How is it that IOU is accredited by the Somalia's Ministry of Culture and Higher Education however, the institution as per the credentials is located in The Gambia? So is IOU following the Gambia standards and legislation or Somalia?
IOU is registered and accredited in Somalia. This was the first country in which IOU received full registration and accreditation. IOU then subsequently applied for registration in Gambia and has established a headquarters there. The finalization of registration is underway in The Gambia. We hope to conclude the finalization soon, In sha Allah. IOU also has provisional registration by the National Council of Higher Education in Malawi. We are also busy with the finalization of registration in Malawi currently. Once full registration is granted in Gambia and Malawi, IOU will then shift completely over to their systems and legislation.
As IOU has signed Memoranda of Understanding (MoUs) with various universities, will the graduates of IOU be eligible for the admission/credit transfer in the said university automatically?
The onus lies with the applicant seeking credit transfer externally to apply using the standard IOU-issued documents. In the motivation of the application, the student may naturally refer to an MoU in place.
The other university will follow their procedures to determine the validity and scope of the MoU. If the MoU explicitly cites credit transfer/recognition, then the applicant should not face challenges.
However, there are instances where admissions departments of partner universities might not grant credit transfer of some/all courses because the MoU might not have been intended for the purpose of credit transfer, or there could have been changes to syllabi that prevents credit transfer, as courses between IOU and partner university are no longer aligned.
It would be best to check the conditions of the MoU in place with the specific partner university to explore its scope.