International Open University
> Our Free Diploma Courses
Insights into our Diploma Courses
The Dawah Training course has designed to give Muslim a foundation from which they would be empowered to fulfil the great responsibility placed on the shoulders of all the believers; to invite all human beings to the religion of Allah. It covers "what and how and when" to present the truth of Islam in front of others according to Quraan and Sunnah.
Duration: Self paced
Certification: Yes
Qadar is a very sensitive topic. It is the sixth pillar of faith, and many people have gone astray regarding it. Some have denied it altogether while others have gone to such extremes in affirming it that they end up denying human free will. The truth as elucidated in Islamic teachings is between these two extremes.
Duration: Self paced
Certification: Yes
The main goal of this course is to give students a reliable introduction to the fundamental concepts which form the foundations of the main fields of Islamic knowledge: Aqeedah(purpose of creation, meaning of worship),Tafseer Methodology, Mircles of Quraan, Hadeeth and Fiqh.
Duration: Self paced
Certification: Yes
It is important to understand Islaam from a cultural point of view because the basis of much of the current turmoil within Muslim countries and conflict with their neighbors can be attributed to cultural clashes. It also redefines the blurred lines that differentiate between the culture Muslim peoples and true Islamic culture.This course also focuses to revive correct Islamic Faith which become lost many today.
Duration: Self paced
Certification: Yes
This course contains the legal issues(Fiqh) related to the religious rite of fasting in Islam. It covers the rulings on Intention of fasting, Ettiquette of breaking Fast, Traveller fasting, fasting in a state of major impurity, voluntury fastings, prohibited days of fasting, forgetful eating and drinking during fasting impact of vomiting while fasting, ramadan fasting, the night prayer and much more.
Duration: Self paced
Certification: Yes
Usool Hadeeth covers the Definitions related to it, Importance of Hadith, Complination of Hadeeth in early era, The means of disseminating Hadeeth over the time, Terminologies of Hadeeth and their degrees and associated rulings and Rulings on Mawdoo(fabricated),Matrook(discarded), Munkar(rejected)Haeeth, the methods scholars have used to resolve apparent conflicts and much more.
Duration: Self paced
Certification: Yes
Usool at-Tafsir (The Fundamental Principles of Qur’aanic Interpretation) refers to the branches of knowledge which are necessary to provide an accurate interpretation of the Qur’aanic texts. Usool at-Tafseer addresses the actual step-by-step methodology of interpreting the Qur’aan to ensure that interpretations are not merely the result of human whims and fancies.
Duration: Self paced
Certification: Yes
Although death is not a pleasant or popular topic of discussion, it is the most absolutely certain incident which every human being knows must happen in his or her life. Consequently, Islaam has provided a complete set of instructions for both the dying individual, as well as those who are present at the person’s death. This course provides a concise and authentic compilation of the instructions regarding funeral rites in Islaam.
Duration: Self paced
Certification: Yes
The commentaries on Soorahs al-Ikhlaas, al-Falaq and an-Naas contains a far greater depth of understanding due to the number of other classical and contemporary commentaries used like Tafsir ibn Kathir, al-Qurtubee’s al-Jaami‘ li Ahkaam al-Qur’aan, Ibn al-Qayyim’s Compilations, ash-Shawkaanee’s Fat’h al-Qadeer, ash-Shanqeetee’s Adwaa ul-Bayaan, as-Sa‘dee’s Tayseer al-Kareem ar-Rahmaan, and Al ‘Uthaymeen’s Tafseer al-Qur’aan al-Kareem.
Duration: Self paced
Certification: Yes
The collection of Forty Hadith by Imam Nawawi comprise the main essential and fundamental concepts of Islam which, in turn, construct the minimum level of required revealed knowledge for every single Muslim. Since having good knowledge of the various fundamental aspects of the religion is key to a Muslim's practice and application of Islam, this course attempts to provide simple and practical commentaries to the collection of Imam Nawawi's Forty Hadith.
Duration: Self paced
Certification: Yes
This course is the latest revised edition designed to teach Arabic to non - Arabs of varying backgrounds without any intermediary language. It uses the latest development in the science of linguistics related to the Arabic language. The significance of this course is that the learner need not have to memorize all the 28 Arabic alphabets and the 112 variations before learning to read and write. This course is ideal for adults and older youths as it develops the reading and writing skills gradually and logically compared to the traditional methods of al - Qaa'idah al - Baghdaadeeyah.
This is the old version of the course and is not available any longer. Please click here to access the new version.
The Fiqh Of Marriage course (FM) is a course delivered by Dr. Aboo Ameenah Bilal Philips, based on the Marriage Series by Dr. Muhammad al - Jibaaly.The main goal of this course is to understand the importance of Marriage and the Rules and Regulations related to it. This course also covers the rules of Wedding according to Quraan and Sunnah, the responsibilites of husband and wife for a Happy Family.
Duration: Self paced
Certification: Yes
Fasting in the month of Ramadan in one of the pillars of Islam. It means abstaining from eating, drinking and sexual intercourse from the break of dawn until sunset.This course brings to focus the spiritual aspects of fasting and teaches how we can make our fasts such that we can maximize the benefit to be gained out of fasting in this blessed month.
Duration: Self paced
Certification: Yes
There are some deeds in Islam which Muslims are prohibited to perform unless they are in a state of purity, due to the greatness and the loftiness of these deeds. The purpose of this course is to teach the Fiqh of purification (Tahaarah) in the light of the Qur’aan and the authentic Sunnah of the Noble Prophet (May Blessings of Allah and Peace be upon him).
Duration: Self paced
Certification: Yes
Zakaah(Taxation) is one of the pillars of Islam. This course covers the details rulings on Zakaah, its conditions, those required to pay it, those for whom it is to be paid, and the properties from which it is to be paid. This course teaches the Fiqh(rules and regulations) of Zakaah in the light of the Qur’aan and the authentic Sunnah of the Noble Prophet(PBUH).
Duration: Self paced
Certification: Yes
Salaah (Prayer) performed genuinely with humility and submission to Allah (subhanahu wa ta'ala) has unlimited virtues and benefits. It is the way to obtaining Allah's mercy, generosity, kindness, blessings and a sure way to paradise. The Fiqh of Salaah course is divided into two parts and its purpose is to teach the Fiqh of Salaah in the light of the Qur’aan and the authentic Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him).
Duration: Self paced
Certification: Yes
Allaah has made Prayer compulsory on his slaves and ordered them to establish it and perform it well. The Prayer was one of the most important things which the Prophet (peace be upon him) explained to the people, verbally and practically, even praying on the pulpit once - standing, bowing and prostrating, and then saying to them, “I have done this so that you may follow me and learn my prayer.” [Bukhaaree & Muslim] This course teaching the Description of the Prophet’s Prayer.
Duration: Self paced
Certification: Yes
Kitaab At -Tawheed is one of the best book on the subject of Tawheed(Monotheism)and ranks high in authenticity. The purpose of this course is to explain this famous book in an easy and simple way so that Muslims from every walk of life can understand the correct Islamic ‘Aqeedah, and can save themselves, their family and friends from the Fire of Hell.
Duration: Self paced
Certification: Yes
Contemporary Issues is a course that is designed specifically for Da’wah purposes to non Muslims as well as Muslims. The issues presented in this course are those that are oft mentioned and confrontational; those issues which may be labeled as “controversial” in our times. Not only will this course help one become more educated in a versatile number of topics, but will enable one to discuss with the Islamic perspectives.
Duration: Self paced
Certification: Yes
Hajj is one of the best forms of worship and is one of the most sublime deeds because it is one of the pillars of Islam that Allah sent Muhammad (peace be upon him) with. Wealthy and healthy Muslim must fulfill this ritual act , or at least have the intention to do so once in their lifetime. The purpose of this course is to teach the Fiqh of Hajj in the light of the Qur’aan and the authentic Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).
Duration: Self paced
Certification: Yes
The Nullifiers of Islam – like many of the writings of al-Imaam Muhammad Ibn Abdul-Wahhaab (rahimahu-llah) – though small in size, is great in benefit. It’s subject is of the utmost importance to each and every Muslim: i.e. those matters, whether speech, action or beliefs, which cause someone to go out of the fold of Islam [after having entered it].
Duration: Self paced
Certification: Yes
Usool-us-Sunnah (The Foundations of the Sunnah) is a brief essay which deals with the pure Islamic ‘Aqeedah (Creed) and correct Minhaaj (Methodology) of the early generations of the Muslim Ummah. This is a summerization of his belief, drawn from Quraan and Sunnah and from the scholars of the salaf and people of hadeeth were upon they adopted and made people hold as their belief.
Duration: Self paced
Certification: Yes
This course covers 6 pillars of our Islamic faith(Aqeedah) which are as essential for human being as air and water. Without this Aqeedah, He/She will be lost and confused. This course covers details discussion on Tawheed, Angels, Prophets and Messengers, Books of Allah, The day of judgement and Qadar(predestination).
Duration: Self paced
Certification: Yes
This course covers all the essential principals of Aqeedah that Muslim is required to know and practice-from the categories of Tawheed to what negates and defies it, like Shirk, Kufr, Nifaq, Fisq, Riddah and Bidah. This course also clarifies many contemporary misunderstandings, for example, Sorcery, Divination, Soothsaying.
Duration: Self paced
Certification: Yes
This courses covers the topics: Definition of Uloom al Quraan, Meaning of Wahy, Difference between Quraan and Hadeeth Qudsi, Stages of revelation, the causes of revelation, Characteristics of Makki and Madani Surahs, Compilation of the Quraan, The conditions of translation of Quran, Rulings of Explicit and Ambigous verses, Organisation of Surah and much more.
Duration: Self paced
Certification: Yes
Behind Closed Doors covers the tafseer of Surah Yusuf by Ibn Kathir supported with lectures by Sk Yasir Qadhi. This surah is unique in various ways and the seeker of knowledge will continue to unfold the various gems and pearls from the beautiful story of Yusuf and his brothers and the patience exhibited by his father Prophet Yaqub(A) right till the end of the surah. Allah(swt) has chosen this as the only story which goes uninterrupted in the Quran.
Duration: Self paced
Certification: Yes
The main goal of this course is to give students a reliable introduction to the fundamental concepts which form the foundations of the main fields of Islamic knowledge: Categories of Halal and Haram based on Quran and Sunnah; Structure, components and compilation of Hadeeth, Classification of Hadith, Ijmaa and Qiyaas, Explanation of how madhabs evolved.
Duration: Self paced
Certification: Yes
The collection of Forty Hadith by Imam Nawawi comprise the main essential and fundamental concepts of Islam which, in turn, construct the minimum level of required revealed knowledge for every single Muslim. Since having good knowledge of the various fundamental aspects of the religion is key to a Muslim's practice and application of Islam, this course attempts to provide simple and practical commentaries to the collection of Imam Nawawi's Forty Hadith.
Duration: Self paced
Certification: Yes
Behind Closed Doors covers the tafseer of Surah Yusuf by Ibn Kathir supported with lectures by Sk Yasir Qadhi. This surah is unique in various ways and the seeker of knowledge will continue to unfold the various gems and pearls from the beautiful story of Yusuf and his brothers and the patience exhibited by his father Prophet Yaqub(A) right till the end of the surah. Allah(swt) has chosen this as the only story which goes uninterrupted in the Quran.
Duration: Self paced
Certification: Yes
The goal of the course is to teach the student the fundamentals of Qur’ānic Arabic and its grammar to understand the Lofty language of Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'ala). The only requirement is that the student should be able to read the Qur’ān. ARB 031 or Level 1 starts from analyzing the basic Arabic word from Qur'an, then word constructions and then finally sentences. The course avoids technical Arabic grammar terminology whenever possible. Lectures are filled with numerous examples taken from the Qur’ān.
Duration: Self paced
Certification: Yes
The greatest of all leaders, Rasoolullaah (sallAllaahu 'alaihi wa sallam) is our example to emulate. But how many of us actually step up to follow his footsteps in bringing out the leader within us? This dynamic course will take you onto a journey in the life of the greatest leader to have set foot in the face of this earth, in sha Allaah. This course will shed light on perspectives of Rasoolullaah (sallAllaahu 'alaihi wa sallam)'s life that probably were never revealed to you.
Duration: Self paced
Certification: Yes
This course is an effort to awaken the Ummah from the state of ignorance and obsession with rituals while at the same time being unconscious of the goals of the rituals. It will keep us focused on the spirit of Hajj, give us a sense of humility by which we can truly worship Him as He alone deserves to be worshiped. These are the sub goals which help us to achieve that remembrance wherein we are blessed with the purification from sin and ultimately paradise as the reward for the accepted hajj.
Duration: Self paced
Certification: Yes
The greatest of all leaders, Rasoolullaah (sallAllaahu 'alaihi wa sallam) is our example to emulate. But how many of us actually step up to follow his footsteps in bringing out the leader within us? This dynamic course will take you onto a journey in the life of the greatest leader to have set foot in the face of this earth, in sha Allaah. This course will shed light on perspectives of Rasoolullaah (sallAllaahu 'alaihi wa sallam)'s life that probably were never revealed to you.
Duration: Self paced
Certification: Yes
IOU presents its Latest Personal Development Course
Empowered Muslimah
Instructed by: Bela Khan
Empower Yourself to lead yourself and lead your family to the full potential that Allah created you for!
The prerequisite to this Level 2 Course is completion of ARB031. Level 2 (ARB032) focuses on Verbs, Verbal Sentences,and the Verb families. Lectures are filled with numerous examples taken directly from the Qur’ān. Altogether, the essentials of Qur’ānic language are taught in a step-wise and methodical manner so that the student learn thoroughly, efficiently, and easily.
Duration: Self paced
Certification: Yes
This course is specially designed to explain some of the most important points that the new Muslim should be conscious of on the very first day of their conversion to Islam which are often neglected by those individuals or centers responsible for their conversion. The purpose of the course is to make the new Muslim's entrance into a new way of life easier and smoother. It focuses on the ten most critical elements which they should grasp in the transition into a practicing Muslim.
Duration: Self paced
Certification: Yes
Prior to beginning a full course of study, the new convert needs to learn some basic essentials related to prayers, food and dress codes and the moral principles behind the pillars of Islam and Faith in order to help them get through the weeks ahead. It is an extension of the previous course,"The First Day" and, as such focuses on the critical issues, which will also provide a solid foundation for the continual building of his/her knowledge of Islam.
Duration: Self paced
Certification: Yes
IOU presents its Tadabbur al-Qur'aan (Reflecting upon the Quran)for Juz Amma. Understand the Quran in Arabic, strengthen your relationship with it, and increase your love of Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala, fear of Him and hope from Him! Word By Word Quran Tafsir of Juzz 'Amma & Excerpts from Tafsir of Sheikh Saadi and Sheikh al-Uthaymeen رحمهما الله
This course covers Word By Word Quran Tafsir of Surah 'aal 'imraan (the family of 'imraan) & Excerpts from Tafsir of Sheikh Saadi and Sheikh al-Uthaymeen رحمهما الله. It also covers many grammatical analysis of this Surah. Surah Faatiha word by word analysis and grammatical analysis are also included in it.
This last Level of this series on Introductory Quranic Arabic Level 3 focuses on the higher Verb families alongside with basic grammatical analysis. It incorporates essential Arabic grammar principles from its two prerequisite courses: ARB031 and ARB032. Altogether, the student who completes this Qur’ānic Arabic course series should also be able to translate Quraan, Hadith and Classical Arabic literature at an elementary level(with the help of Dictionary).
Duration: Self paced
Certification: Yes
A short course tackling some enthralling topics! The course will be looking at the following:'The Accursed Enemy: SATAN', 'ZAKAH ; its principles' .
Have you ever had to deal with a difficult person in your life whom made you feel really bad or even cry?I feel that we all have;Difficult people exist everywhere, from our own homes, to our jobs, to our classmates, customers we have to daily deal with. These people can push our buttons to where sometimes we may want to explode! However, as believers, we cannot blow up or get affected by these people. We should be able to keep ourselves cool at all times insha’Allaah, as that is what the Prophet (PBUH) taught us!
YL360 is a comprehensive program aimed at taking you through a transformational journey that is filled with self reflection, application and improvement, both in the duniya and akhirah. This course covers the topics related to;Purification of Soul, Muslim contribution to Science and Civilization, Family Leadership, Time Management, Islamic Ethics and much more.
This course is design to familiarize the students with the key concepts of the Islamic finance and introduce them to the different terminologies, their meanings and interpretations in the light of the Islamic commercial law and the Islamic finance.
In an age of science and reason certainty is an illusive prize. No Doubt is specialist dawah course to empower you to convey Islam with compassion and reason .This course has been designed to empower you to respond the atheist, sceptic and competing religious narratives using Islamic references. Instructor enters into their world of logic and uses it to refute their opinions and support belief in One Supreme Creator. He presents valid evidence of Quran and sunnah which all point to the belief in One Creator.
Are you staring at the crossroads of life and are skeptical about your decisions? Do you want to be a leader but lack the much needed leadership qualities? Has repeated failures made your search for solutions look elusive? This course helps the students to achieve the good communications skills as a leader in an organisation, parents and as a highly effective Muslim in a community.
This is a functional course which is specifically designed for English speakers with no or very limited background knowledge of Arabic.The course is conducted in a highly methodical approach and covers an introduction to the language needs of a variety of real-life situations. It aims to be a stepping stone to Arabic conversation and catalyze a solid foundation in the study of Arabic grammar.
Wondering how to include Islamic values and principles in your schools’ curriculum? Inernational Open University brings a special course that will help you integrate Islamic knowledge with secular education. It is a short course. This course covers: what is the Islamic approach to knowledge is, to clarify the need for Islamization of education, how to prepare Islamic Education lesson plans and so on.
If you have the passion to speak for Islam - get ready to TALK! Though this course is a short course, it teaches you how to talk with others in a presentable manner. This course helps you how to utilize your speech in a beautiful way to please Allah(swt).
ARB 011 is aimed at teaching the basics of Arabic reading and writing to students with little or no background in Arabic.The course is uniquely structured so that the student does not need to memorize all 28 Arabic alphabets and 112 vowel variations before learning to read and write. The course focuses on teaching proper articulation of all Arabic letters and vowels. In each module, students will be given adequate time and training to read and write practice words in addition to examples from the Noble Qur'an.
Duration: Self paced
Certification: Yes
This course is based on the IOU’s first ever online conference on psychological wellbeing held in May 2015. This course covers the definition of Mental Health and ways to reduce the stigma, develop the self esteem, ways to deal with different types of relationship, dealing with disaster and much more.
This course covers 40 Prophetic Advices which are related to Marital lessons. The advices are for both males and females. This course teaches us the prerequisites of spouses for marriage, their financial situation and despite of different nature of male and female how to handle each other for a healthy family life.
Tafsir of Surah Baqara is an outstanding course based on the classical works of tafsir of Ahlus-Sunnah: tabari, ibn kathir, baghawi, shinqiti (adhwaa-ul-bayaan) and others. The understanding & message of the Surah is presented to address modern-day practical application of Islam in our lives.
It also includes good Quality Videos and PPTs for each modules .
Duration : Self paced
Certification: Yes
ARB035 - Advanced Qur’ānic Arabic
This course ARB035 is a continuation of the study of important principles from Morphology [الصَّرْف]. This is an essential science in Intermediate Classical Arabic since the Qur’ān and Arabic, in general, have many irregular verbs and derived nouns. The pre-requisite for this course is the completion of Diploma Course ARB034.
Bonus Supplementary: Modern Arabic vocabulary and sentences Audios for learning.
ARB034 - Advanced Qur’ānic Arabic
This course ARB034 is an advanced course in classical Arabic which focuses on important principles from Morphology [الصَّرْف] or the study of Ṣarf. This is an essential science in Intermediate Classical Arabic since the Qur’ān and Arabic in general has many irregular verbs and derived nouns. The pre-requisite for this course is the completion Diploma Courses ARB031, 032, and 033 which teach the essentials of Qur’ānic and Classical Arabic. Please note that ARB035 is a direct continuation from this course and finalizes the study of Morphology/Ṣarf.