Certificate In Psychology(CPSY)

> Course Overview



Vision Statement

The Department of Psychology seeks to be an international front-runner in the provision of undergraduate and postgraduate education in psychological sciences. Our aspiration is to strengthen the theory and practice of psychological sciences at international levels through our innovative curriculum, scholarly contributions, and our rigorous preparation of reflective and critical thinkers, and practitioners.

Mission Statement

In accordance with the mission of the University, the Department of Psychology provides an enriched learning environment with a commitment to excellence in undergraduate and post-graduate psychological studies. The graduates of the University are expected to have the necessary knowledge, competence and ethical values committed to psychology and its application to real-world situations. Our educational programme provides a foundation for the scientific understanding of behaviour and human experiences by collaborative learning and scholarship among its undergraduates and guided by the core values of the University. Our psychology programme provides students with the education needed to enter a variety of careers or to pursue post graduate studies in psychology or related fields.

Department Values

We aim to promote intellectual excellence by maintaining high academic standards for undergraduate and post-graduate students. We expect the Department to be dedicated to exceptional helping, teaching, coaching and mentoring and support the dissemination of research. We aim to promote diversity of viewpoints and experiences and treat all individuals with dignity and respect. We aim to maintain an enriched and collaborative learning environment designed to enhance an individual’s personal and professional development.

This course combines Islamic wisdom with contemporary knowledge. It focuses on the Islamic perspective to understanding humans, their psyche and their nature. It is a powerful introduction to the world of psychology from an Islamic viewpoint. The work of a therapist from an Islamic point of view is highly regarded. If the intentions are kept pure – then by the will of Allah they will also be highly rewarded for their beneficial role in society in this life as well as in the hereafter.

  • Whoever does righteousness, whether male or female, while he is a believer – We will surely cause him to live a good life, and We will surely give them their reward [in the Hereafter] according to the best of what they used to do. (Qur’an, 16:97)

IOU’s Certificate in Psychology can be a stepping stone towards a new and exciting career, or enhancing academic records and personal resume’s, It can be a way of improving social skills that will enrich a students’ life and assist in coping with society and individuals. This program can later be forwarded towards IOU’s Associate of Science in Psychology (APSY)or degree in psychology (BSc. Psy)

  • And cooperate in righteousness and piety, but do not cooperate in sin and aggression. (Qur’an, 5:2)

Course Overview

PSY 101Islamic Psychology None
PSY 104Perspectives on Psychology None
PSY 201Lifespan Developmental Psychology None
PSY 103Child Psychology None
ETH 101Etiquette of Seeking Knowledge 101 None


PSY 206Health Psychology PSY 101 ISLAMIC PSYCHOLOGY
PSY 302Abnormal Psychology PSY 101 ISLAMIC PSYCHOLOGY
PSY 301Social Psychology and Human Relations PSY 101 ISLAMIC PSYCHOLOGY
PSY 702History & Philosophy of Islamic PsychologyPSY 101 ISLAMIC PSYCHOLOGY 
CVN 101Islamic Civilization 101 None

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