PhD Islamic Sciences

> Fee


Mode of Payment

Online payment, International Bank Wire and Local Bank Transfer options are available


Fees should be paid in US dollars. Please note that we must receive the complete amount. Therefore, when you make the payment, pay the currency transfer charges after confirming the exact amount from your bank, so that we receive the full amount due from you. For example, a student who has to pay US $120 might have to include a currency transfer charge of approximately US $20 so that we receive the full amount.


820 USD per semester for full-time students
575 USD per semester for part-time students


  • Students are not permitted to switch registration types between semesters.
  • If a student under genuine circumstances needs to change his/her registration type, s/he must contact the administration at
  • If a student changes his/her registration type during the PhD program, the remaining time will be reassessed/recalculated.
  • The minimum amount of fees payable for the doctoral program is 4920 USD while the maximum amount will vary depending upon the length of enrollment period of each individual student and the registration type (part-time or full-time). This is not inclusive of the graduation fees which must be paid separately. For further clarification, please contact the administration at

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