
B.Sc. in Information Technology

Method: Online
CMP 102Introduction to Computing None
CMP 103Programming Fundamentals None
MAT101Calculus and Analytical Geometry None
ENG101English-I (Functional English) None
ETH 101Etiquette of Seeking Knowledge 101None 
AQD 101Aqeedah 101 None
CMP 105Object Oriented Programming Programming Fundamentals
CMP201Digital Logic Design None
CMP104Discrete Structures None
MGT 104Principles of ManagementNone 
FQH 101Fiqh 101 None
CVN 101Islamic Civilization 101 None
CMP 202Data Structures and Algorithms Discrete Structures
CMP 206Computer Communication and Networks None
IT202Information Systems None
BSA 102Organizational Behaviour None
FQH 102Fiqh 102 None
PSY 101Islamic Psychology 101 None
CMP 204Operating Systems Data Structures and Algorithms
CMP 203Introduction to Software Engineering Object Oriented Programming
CMP 205Introduction to Database Systems Data Structures and Algorithms
STA101Probability and Statistics None
TAF 201Tafseer 201 None
HAD 102Hadeeth 102 None
IT 302Multimedia Systems and Design None
IT 303Database Management (IT Elective I)Introduction to Database Systems
IT 301Web Systems and TechnologiesIntroduction to Database Systems 
IT307Advanced Computer Programming Introduction to Database Systems
IT309Internet Architecture and Protocols Introduction to Database Systems
SER 101Seerah 101 None


CMP301Human Computer Interaction Data Structures and Algorithms
IT304Systems and Network Administration Computer Communication and Networks, Operating Systems
IT403Data Warehousing Introduction to Database Systems
IT404Network Security Computer Communication and Networks
IT308Object Oriented Analysis and DesignProgramming Fundamentals 
SER 102Seerah 102 None
IT401IT Capstone Part I (continued) After completing at least 36 courses (in first 6 semesters)
IT306Mobile Computing Internet Architecture and Protocols, Web Systems and Technologies
IT305E-Commerce Applications Development Web Systems and Technologies
IT405System Integration and Architecture None
IT410Information Technology Project Management Introduction to Software Engineering
IT411Database Administration and ManagementIntroduction to Database Systems 
IT401IT Capstone Part II IT Capstone Part I
IT412Artificial IntelligenceData Structures and Algorithms
IT407Mobile Application DevelopmentWeb Systems and Technologies
IT408Enterprise Application Development Introduction to Database Systems
IT409Cloud Computing Internet Architecture and Protocols
EDU 105Professional Development None

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