Higher Diploma (Bridge to MA in Arabic)

> Course Description

Course Description

The Arabic literature courses


Name of the program: BMARB in Arabic

Name of the module: Pre-Islamic and Islamic literature

Name of the academic staff: Dr : Atef zain El Abedeen Mohammad

Name of the book: Arabic literature – (Level 3) - Imam Ibn Saud university (KSA)


Learning Objectives (Aims)

At the completion of this module students should:

Have knowledge of understanding of the multifaceted relationship of literature to society as mediator, mirror, interpreter and critique.

Have knowledge of the illustration and develop the practice of reading literary texts within their social, historical, and cultural contexts. Develop the practice of reading literary texts within their social, historical, and cultural contexts

Have knowledge of the role of formal religion, ethical thinking and folk traditions in the creation of literature.

                    Be able to encourage students to discover the pleasure of readingHave knowledge of the use the language to express his/her interior mood and feeling

 Name of the program: BMARB (Bridge to MA in Arabic)

Name of the module: Andalusian and Modern literature

Name of the academic staff: Mohamad Hassan Mohamad

Name of the books:

1 - The Literature and Texts for non-native speakers - University of the king  Saud  from page 201

جامعة الإمام محمد بن سعود الإسلامية – كتاب الأدب – المستوى الرابع

2 -The literature book of Imam Mohammed ibn Saud University 4th from page 115

الأدب والنصوص لغير الناطقين بالعربية – تأليف حسن خميس المليجي


Learning Objectives(Aims)

To enable the student to understand the types of literary  texts at that time.

To increase student understanding of the Arabic language.

To be able to read and understand the given text

To guide the students by teaching them how to understand the Arabic literature 

Lessons from Noble Quran (Juz Amma)


Name of the module : Lessons from the noble Quran 4  (Juz Amma)

Name of the staff : Dr. Ebraheem Abd Alhafeez Abu Dawy

Program : BMARB (Bridge to MA in Arabic)

Module hours : 31

Books names

- Lessons from the Noble Quran (Level three and four) – University of Imam Mohamed Ibn Saud (KSA)

- The inflection of Juzza Amma – Mohamed Husain Salama

At the completion of this module students should:

Have knowledge of  Tilawat (Reading of the verses)

Have knowledge of the meaning of a Quranic words of the chapters from Surah النبأ  to سورة المطففين

- Strengthen the skill of making Irab of the words of the verses

- Have knowledge of the rhetorical points in the studied verses

The Arabic grammar courses (Al Tohfato Assanya)


Name of the program: BMARB (Bridge to MA in Arabic)

Name of the module: Al Tohfah Assanyah 1 (Arabic Grammar)

Name of the academic staff: Dr. Ebraheem Abd Al hafeez Abu Dawy

Name of the book :

التُّحفة السَّنية بشرحِ المُقدِّمة الآجرُّومية

The author : Dr. Mohamad Mohyy Al Deen Abd Alhameed

Publishing house : Dar Al Salam in  Riyadh, (KSA) First copy 1994

Link of the book(PDF) : http://www.archive.org/download/tssma/tssma.pdf

In this book the author explained the text of Al Ajuromeyyah.

Note : Al Ajuromeyyah, is a famous book in Arabic grammar

The aims (Objectives)

The objective of this module is that the student(s) reaches or attains the achievement /accomplishment of the following goals, after they complete the study of this module:

1 – The knowledge/study of the most important legacy books of grammar

2 - The knowledge/study of some of the classical – scholars of grammar – OR – grammarians

3 - Manner of understanding grammatical texts written in the Arabic language

4 – correct/sound, aloud reading/recitation of Arabic grammatical texts

4 – Appointment of the Arabic grammar in understanding the Noble Quran

5 – The knowledge/study/learning about the most important schools of Arabic grammar

6 – Learning/knowing the most important signs which distinguishes the noun, verb and the particle

7 – The knowledge/learning of the different types of inflection

8 – Knowledge of the difference between the triptotical [fully inflected] nouns and the diptote nouns


Name of the program: BMARB (Bridge to MA in Arabic)

Name of the module: Al Tohfah Assaneyyah 2 (Arabic Grammar)

Name of the academic staff: Dr. Ebraheem Abd Alhafeez Abo Dawy

Name of the book:

التُّحفة السَّنية بشرحِ المُقدِّمة الآجرُّومية

The author : Dr. Mohamad Mohyy Al Deen Abd Alhameed

Publishing house : Dar Al Salam in  Riyadh, (KSA) First copy 1994

Link of the book(PDF) : http://www.archive.org/download/tssma/tssma.pdf

In this book the author explained the text of Al Ajuromeyyah.

The aims (Objectives)

At the completion of this module, students should:

•Have knowledge of the differences between he diptote noun and non-diptote noun

•Have knowledge of the kinds of the inflections

•Have knowledge of the jussiveness of the present verb

•Have knowledge of the kinds of the predicate

•Have knowledge of the meanings of the verbal nouns

•Have knowledge of the differences between the sisters of كان  and the sisters of  إنَّ


Name of the program: BMARB (Bridge to MA in Arabic)

Name of the module: Al Tohfah Assanyah 3 (Arabic Grammar)

Module code: ATOH 401

Name of the academic staff: Dr Ebraheem Abdel Hafeez Abo Dawy

Name of the book:

التُّحفة السَّنية بشرحِ المُقدِّمة الآجرُّومية

The author : Dr. Mohamad Mohyy Al Deen Abd Alhameed

Publishing house : Dar Al Salam in  Riyadh, (KSA) First copy 1994

Link of the book(PDF) : http://www.archive.org/download/tssma/tssma.pdf

The aims (Objectives)

At the completion of this module students should have knowledge of:

- Kinds of the followers

-Kinds of the definite nouns

- he conjunction particles

-The  kinds of the emphasis

- The  direct object

-The  complete infinitive

- The kinds of the specification

- The  kinds of the exception

The linguistics courses


Name of the program: BMARB (Bridge to MA in Arabic)

Name of the module: Arabic linguistics “ Fiqh Al lughat”

Name of the academic staff: Mohamad Hasan Mohamad

This module is comprised of a study of the

Arabic linguistics, in this module the instructor will start teaching a short introduction about Arabic linguistics, the Semitic languages and Arabic accents. We will then cover the effect of Islam on the language and how it added to it.   We will cover some linguistics subject like “Al eshtqaq, Al mushtark, Al kyas …etc”and discuss the lexicographic school in the Arabic language and the important Arabic dictionaries, including  “Al earab” and the different opinions  about it.

The books : Fiqah Al loughat. The author:   Mohammed ibn Ibraheem Alhamd, KSA 1425 - 2005

Fiqh Al lughat  tha author Mohammed Al Moubark . Dar Al Feker 1964 (Syria)

The aims (Objectives)

To enable the student to understand the effect of Islam in Arabic language.

To increase students\\\' understanding of  Arabic linguistics

To be able to use  Arabic dictionaries.


To guide the students by teaching them how to look for words in dictionaries.


Name of the program: BMARB (Bridge to MA in Arabic)

Name of the module: Texts from the Arabic language books

Name of the academic staff: Dr Ebraheem Abd Al Hafeez Abo Dawy

Name of the book:

المُزهِرُ في علومِ اللغةِ وأنواعِها ، للعلَّامة جلال الدين السيوطي (المتوفي في سنة 911 من الهجرة) – شرح الكتاب وضبطه وصححه : الأستاذ/محمد أحمد جاد المولى والأستاذ محمد أبو الفضل إبراهيم والأستاذ علي محمد البجاوي-منشورات المكتبة العصرية – بيروت لبنان 1986 م

Al Mozher Fi Elom Aloghat

This course is completely in Arabic language, and in this course the student will learn how the human being language started, and what are theories of the emergence of the language

The aims (Objectives)

At the completion of this module students should have knowledge of :

Some  famous Arabic heritage books

The  founder of the first human language and the theories of that

The  language which the prophet Adam PBUH spoke it

The  first speaker of Arabic language

The  fluent tribe(s) in the pre-Islamic Arabia  The meaning and the rules of the Arabazing

The  meaning and definition of the formation/acronymic word

The homonym and opposites

The morphology course


This course researches the general background and fundamental issues of the Arabic language (the language of The Holy Qur\\\'an, Hadith: saying of Prophet Muhammad) and Arabic poetry, which shows the richness of the Arabic language. As most of the students may not be in Arabic speaking countries  this course can be a safeguard for them; for it will help them to overcome their deficiency in understanding authentic sources of the Arabic language and Islamic sciences and also acquire more knowledge about morphological patterns that make up the internal structure of Arabic words, enabling them to distinguish between different forms of derivation, word-formation, root words, inflection, affixes etc.

This is very important as such Arabic Morphology needs more attention , because it is the twin sister of Arabic Grammar; one cannot master Arabic with only Grammar,  but  should  mingle  it  with Morphology to ensure correct understanding of the language

Name of the academic staff : Dr. Abdoul Khadri Sillah,

Title of the book: أيسر الطريق لمعرفة التصريف

Aysari AT-Tariq IlA- Marifatu At-Serif:

Morphology Made Easy by: Dr. AbdoulKadir Selah

The aims (Objectives)

A. To acquire a more advanced general background of

fundamental principles of Arabic morphology.

B. To gain a profound understanding of the meanings

behind Arabic patterns and word formations.

C. To enable the student to realize and analyze the

differences between various sentences and expressions

in Arabic.

D. To obtain a better understanding of Qur\\\'anic texts and

Prophetic sayings.

The Rhetoric course


Name of the program: Bridge to MA in Arabic (BMARB)

Name of the module: Arabic rhetoric

Name of the academic staff: Dr Ebraheem Abd Alhafeez Abo Dawy

Name of the book:

1-  The clear rhetoric – The author : Aly Al Garem and Mostafa Ameen

البلاغة الواضحة لعلي الجارم ومصطفى أمين

2- The gems of the rhetoric – The author : Assayed Ahmed Al Hashemy

جواهر البلاغة للسيد أحمد الهاشمي

The aims (Objectives)

This module aims to :

1-           Listening  to the eloquent Arabic methods

2-           Understanding the methods of the Arabic language (high-end)

3-           Understand the beauty in the Quran

4-           Knowing some of the rhetorical terms like البلاغة والفصاحة والأسلوب الخبري والأسلوب الإنشائي

5-           Knowing some of the meanings of Quranic Ayaat

6-           Knowing the difference between  الفصاحة والبلاغة

7-           Knowing the difference between the scientific style, literary style, and the oratory style

8-           Knowing the difference between the statement style/method and the originative method/style

9-           Knowing the kinds of the originative speech

10-         Understanding meanings of  Arabic poems

11-         Knowing many new words which come in the Arabic verse(s)

12-         Knowing the particles of the questions and how we use every particle and the meaning of every one

13-         Knowing  all purposes of the Command , Prohibition and questioning  

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