BEd (English) BACHELOR of EDUCATION DEGREE with specialization in ENGLISH

> Top Three Students

Top Three Students

Top-ten list of students for semester FALL2017
Rank Student Country Percentage
1 Amina Zekiri United States 92.6717
2 Mariam Abubakar Nigeria 82.6217
3 aishah kotecha India 82.2583
4 Fatma Jeizan Kenya 81.725
5 Faiza Mahfudh AbdulRehman Kenya 81.7
6 Mamadou Jallow Gambia 81.675
7 Aisha Basic United Arab Emirates 81.5817
8 Shamima Akter Qatar 81.2257
9 fariha sherif United States 81.0017
10 Saadia Saleemullah Khan India 80.2667

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