Vision, Mission & Objectives
Vision of Supershine University is
To be a leading world class University in the delivery of affordable quality education through open distance learning, dynamic knowledge generation and application
The Supershine University (SSU) aims to respond to the actual needs of students who want to empower themselves, and by empowering themselves, contribute to wealth creation to the benefit of the individuals, their households and ultimately to economic growth and the development of Zambia. People graduating from Supershine University (SSU) shall have the capabilities and competencies to do their jobs well whether in the public and/or the private sector because they shall be equipped with the conceptual and theoretical knowledge and the contextual understanding the know-why; and the practical skills – the know-how. The University further aims to;
;•Promote acquisition of knowledge, and skills through teaching and research for the benefit of society. •Cultivate transmission, application and inter-disciplinary transmission of knowledge through a various modes. •Provide high quality undergraduate and post graduate studies that are internationally recognized, and of an international standard. The University shall achieve its aims through the: - •Creation of academic and administrative structures that ensure free and democratic functioning of academic processes. •Granting of undergraduate and post graduate degrees, certificates and awards, in a large variety of programmes. •Provision of opportunities to individual who meet the University’s entrance requirements to gain access to university education. Most students face numerous obstacles in obtaining tertiary qualifications. The challenge to both public and private tertiary sectors includes the limited space that qualified applicants can access. This challenge bodes for innovative initiatives, whilst continuously maintaining and upgrading of academic quality. The development and general conditions of living of any nation and community are directly related to the level of the training and competencies of the citizens of the state. -
Contribute to the creation of a comparative high competitive environment in higher education by extending and disseminating knowledge by fostering its efficient and effective application;
Mobilize and utilize resources-local, national or International- with a view of introducing improvement in the quality and effectiveness of its academic programs catering for the changing socio-economic needs of the country;
Develop as model institution of higher learning by correcting academic weaknesses of both public and private Institutions
In order to achieve these goals, the University has set the following objectives to:
•Apply for registration and/or program/course accreditation by the relevant national authorities to ensure that the standard of all programs on offer satisfy and comply with national and international criteria. •Integrate theoretical knowledge, practical and social skills, values and attitudes in the design of all curricula; to review these at least at three year intervals. •Maintain an effective academic quality assurance system. •Select programe content on the basis of the findings/results of needs analyses in the different African countries and to re-assess these on a three-yearly basis. •Create and maintain flexible structures and procedures aimed at opening up learning opportunities for all those who are committed to their own and their country’s development. •Review tuition fees annually to ensure that they remain both competitive and affordable. •Support students in their efforts to learn by combining electronic and paper-based (distance) learning with contact sessions and a system of local tutors. •Employ and utilize technology to the fullest extent. •Create work opportunities in countries where it operates by appointing locals on the basis of qualifications, expertise and commitment to quality education and development as and when their services are required. •Provide all staff members with appropriate self-development opportunities on a regular basis.