Organization Structure

The Supershine University is governed by a Board of Directors. The Board of Directors consists of the following members: a) The Chief Executive Officer; b) One member from the Private Sector c) One member from another accredited higher education institution d) Members of the staff appointed by the Chief Executive Officer. e) The University Board Secretary THE ADVISORY BOARD The main task of the Advisory Board shall give specialist advice and direction to the University in general. The Board shall meet twice a year. The Advisory Board consists of the following members: a) The chairperson nominated by the Vice Chancellor. b) The deputy chair elected by the members. c) Member from the Association of Private Universities in Zambia (The Higher Education Authority) d) Member from the Public Universities in Zambia. e) Representative of a selected relevant professional body. f) Member of the University Administrative Staff. g) More members to can be included by the Board where necessary. CHANCELLOR • There shall be a Chancellor who shall be the titular head of the University. • The Chancellor shall be appointed by the Board of Directors from among eminent Zambian citizens. • A person appointed to the office of Chancellor shall hold office for a period of five years and may be re-appointed for a further like period. • The Chancellor shall preside at all ceremonial assemblies of the university and shall, in the name of the university, confer all degrees and other academic titles and distinctions of the University. • The Chancellor may resign upon giving one month's notice in writing to the Board of Directors • The Chancellor may, at any time, direct that a visitation of the University be conducted by such persons and for such purposes as may be specified in that directive. • A person holding the office of Chancellor may be removed by the Board of Directors for inability to perform the functions of the office whether arising from infirmity of body or mind or for behavior which is incompatible with the office of Chancellor. VICE CHANCELLOR • There shall be a Vice-Chancellor appointed by the Board of Directors who shall be the academic, financial and administrative head of the university and who shall, where the Chancellor is unable to do so, preside at the ceremonial assemblies of the university, and confer all degrees and the other academic titles and distinctions of the university. • A person appointed to the office of Vice-Chancellor shall hold office, on such terms and conditions as shall be specified in that person's letter of appointment, for a period of four years but shall be eligible for re-appointment for a further term of four years. DEPUTY VICE CHANCELLORS • There shall be Deputy Vice-Chancellors university appointed by the Board of Directors who shall assist the Vice-Chancellor in the Vice- Chancellor's duties and shall act in the place of the Vice-Chancellor when the office of Vice-Chancellor is vacant or the Vice- Chancellor is for any reason absent or otherwise unable to perform the Vice-chancellor's functions. • A person appointed to hold the office of Deputy Vice-Chancellor shall hold office, on such terms and conditions as shall be specified in that person's letter of appointment, for a period of three years but shall be eligible for re-appointment for a further term of three years. REGISTRAR There shall be a Registrar for the University appointed by the Vice Chancellor, on such terms and conditions as the Board of Directors may determine, and who shall, under the direction of the Vice-Chancellor, be responsible for the general administration of the University including the custody of its property and the administration of its assets. DEANS AND ASSOCIATE DEANS • There shall be a Dean and Associate Deans appointed by the Vice chancellor. The minimum qualification of a Dean and Associate Dean is a Doctorate. • The Deans shall be the chief officer for each School and shall report to the Vice chancellor through the deputy vice chancellor academics. • The Dean, as the chief academic officer of the School shall be responsible for the following: o Prepare the academic strategy for the School. o Oversee the implementation of academic policy and the decisions of the Board of Directors and Senate. o Coordinates and supervises the functioning of the Departments within the School. o Draws up and proposes the School budget in conjunction with the Heads of Departments. o Oversee the recruitment, performance evaluation of staff and students and oversee the development of School and faculty. o Provides direction for the introduction of new programmes and new research initiatives. o Ensures that students are provided with timely and accurate information and support regarding their studies at the School. o Promotes links with community/industry, academic institutions, and professional bodies that shall enrich the student learning experience at the School, and the continuous development of the School. o Ensures adherence to quality and standards in all academic activities in the School. o Appoints committees for the study and furthering of specific issues. • Convenes the Schools, Board of studies and Board of examiners meetings, draws up its agenda, and chairs its meetings. THE SENATE There shall be a Senate for Supershine University which shall be the supreme academic authority of the University. 1) Subject to the provision of this Strategic Plan, the Senate shall organize, control and direct the academic work of the university, both in teaching and research, and shall have control and general direction of the standards of education, assessment and research within the University. Without prejudice, the Senate shall have and may exercise all or any of the following powers and functions: a) Determining the academic policy of the University and advising the Board of Directors on the provision of facilities to carry out the policy; b) Directing and determining the programme of instruction and the structure of Degree, Diploma and Certificate courses within the University; c) Regulating and determining the requirements for the admission of persons to the University and to courses of studying the University and their continuance in such courses; d) Regulating all University examinations and the standard of proficiency to be attained in such examinations; e) Appointing Examiners: Provided that for degree examinations and any other qualifying examinations, at least one external examiner shall be appointed for each subject forming part of a course of studies required; f) Awarding Degrees, Diplomas, Certificates and making other awards and distinctions of the university: Provided that honorary degrees shall be awarded on the recommendation of an Honorary Degree Committee established by the Senate; g) Awarding scholarships and prizes administered by the University; h) Constituting professorial chairs, leaderships and other academic offices and abolishing or suspending any such office: making recommendations to the Board of Directors with respect to: i. the establishment of new schools, institutes, bureau or similar bodies within the university; ii. the amalgamation of any of the existing schools, bureaux or similar bodies within the university; iii. the division of any school, bureau or similar body within the university into two or more schools, institutes, bureaux or similar bodies; and iv. the abolishing or alteration of any school, bureau or similar body; v. approving, reviewing, amending, referring back, controlling i) or disallowing any act relating to the academic affairs of any school, bureau or similar body within the university or giving direction to any school, bureau or similar body; and k) Regulating its own procedure and the conduct of its meetings. l) The Senate may deprive any person of any degree, diploma, certificate or other award of the university which has been conferred upon such person if, after due enquiry, the person is shown to have been guilty of fraudulent or dishonorable conduct in obtaining that award. m) Any person deprived of any degree, diploma, certificate or other award or distinction of a university under subsection (l) may appeal from the decision of the Senate. n) the Senate shall, after receiving a report from the relevant school, approve the entrance requirements, the syllabuses and the academic regulations of the affiliated institution in those areas of study for which the university is providing certification; o) the Senate of the university shall moderate examination papers and examination scripts of the affiliated institution in the areas of study for which the university provides certification; p) Senate is authorized or required by this strategic Plan to make reports or recommendations to the Board of Directors. LIBRARIAN There shall be a Librarian for the University appointed by the Vice Chancellor who shall, under the direction of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor Academic, be responsible for the Development, Control, Management and Coordination of library services in a University. The librarian shall also be responsible