Tafseer and ‘Uloom Al-Qur‘an
Course Description
This course is a survey of the principles of Quranic exegesis. The first half of the curriculum focuses on ‘uloom al-Qur’an (background knowledge required of anyone who undertakes explanation of the Qur’an, especially its use of the Arabic language). The second half is a survey of works of tafseer, including the major classical works of tafseer bil-ma’thoor and tafseer bil-ra’y as well as modern trends in tafseer, particularly thematic tafseer.
1. To enable the student to understand the origins of the science of usool al-tafseer.
2. To familiarize the student with the nature of revelation and the unique qualities of the Qur’an, including its unparalleled preservation, it’s seven ahruf and its recitations.
3. To acquaint the student with the proper methodology for Qur’anic exegesis.
1. Introduction to the Science of Tafseer
2. Books of Tafseer
3. Translations of the Qur‘an
4. Wahy
5. The Revelations of the Qur‘aan
6. Collection of the Qur‘aan
7. The Qur‘aanic Text
8. Dialects and Recitations
9. Reasons for Revelation
10. Makkan and Madeenan Revelations
11. Naasikh and Mansookh
12. Muhkam and Mutashaabih
13. Literary Forms of the Qur‘aan
14. The Language of the Qur‘aan
A. Required Text:
Bilal Philips, Usool at-Tafseer
Study notes by Riaz Ansary
B. Supplementary Texts:
Yasir Qadhi, An Introduction to the Sciences of the Qur‘aan
Ahmad Von Denffer, ‘Ulum al-Qur‘aan (Eng. Trans.)
As-Suyootee, al-Itqaan fee ‘Uloom al-Qur‘aan
Az-Zarkashee, al-Burhaan fee ‘Uloom al-Qur‘aan
Mannaa‘ al-Qattaan, Mabaahith fee ‘Uloom al-Qur‘aan
Muhammad ‘Alee az-Zarqaanee, Manaahil al-‘Irfaan fee ‘Uloom al-Qur‘aan
Course Description
This course is a study in details of Yaa seen chapter, which verses contain a number of precious teachings, related to many fields of human life.
I. Objectives
- Facilitating human understanding of the meanings of Allaah‘s words.
- Familiarizing the student with the methodology of scholars of Tafseer who interpreted Allaah‘s Words in the Qur‘aan.
- To enable the students how to dispute the allegations are made by enemies of Islam.
- To acknowledge them with various ways of calling non-Muslims to Islam.
- To acknowledge them with various logic evidences related to many matters of the Islamic faith.
II. Class Content
Analytical Tafseer - Soorah Yaaseen
A. Required Text:
- Bilal Philips, Tafseer Soorah Yaaseen
B. Supplementary Texts:
- Saifur-Rahman Al-Mubarakpuri, Tafsir Ibn Kathir (English Trans.)
- Ibn Jareer at-Tabaree, Jaami‘ al-Bayaan
- Al-Qurtubee, Al-Jaami‘ li Ahkaam al-Qur‘aan
- Ar-Raazee, Mafaateeh al-Ghayb
- Al-Aloosee, Rooh al-Ma‘aanee
- Az-Zamakhsharee, Tafseer al-Kashshaaf
- Abus-Sa‘ood, Tafseer Abis-Sa‘ood
- Ibn al-Jawzee, Zaad al-Maseer
- Ash-Shawkaanee, Fat‘h al-Qadeer
Sunnah and ‘Uloomul-Hadeeth
Course Description
This course is a survey of the principles upon which the study of hadeeth rests. The historical milieu that surrounded the developments of this science are taken into account and the methodology of this science that gradually appeared is rendered against its historical environment along with an analysis of its content. The various classification schemes are discussed and how the many developments of the science, although possibly seen independent of each other, are interconnected accumulating finally into a comprehensive critical appreciation of Islamic sources.
1. Educating and training students regarding Hadeeth terminology specific to the Hadeeth sciences.
2. Understanding the rules used by the hadeeth scholars for grading hadeeths according to their reliability.
3. Developing in the students an ability to distinguish the hadeeth of the Prophet (Peace be upon him) from that which is not.
1. Introduction: The Status of the Sunnah in Islamic Law
2. Hadeeth Science and its terminologies
3. Division of Narrations: 1. Mutawaatir and 2. Ghayr Mutawaatir
4. Division of Narrations: 1. Maqbool and 2. Mardood
5. Hadeeth Mawdoo‘
6. Division of Narrations: 1. Marfoo‘, 2. Mawqoof and 3. Maqtoo‘
7. Hadeeth Qudsee
8. Sahaabah: Definition and their characteristics.
9. At-Taabi‘oon and those who followed them until the end of the era of narration.
10. Mardood due to faults in the narrators: Either due to lack of Integrity (‘Adaalah) or lack of Accuracy ( Dabt)
11. Methods of Hadeeth Narration
12. Conditions for Hadeeth Narration
13. Textual Harmonization,
14. Hadeeth Books,
15. Women Scholars of Hadeeth
A. Required Text:
Bilal Philips, Usool al-Hadeeth
B. Supplementary Texts:
Suhaib Hasan, An Introduction to the Science of Hadith
Muhammad Siddique, Hadith Literature
Mustapha Azami, Early Studies in Hadeeth Literature
Ibn Katheer, al-Baahith al-Hatheeth
Ibn Salaah, Tadreeb ar-Raawee
Course Description
This course is a detailed study of half of the Hadeeths collected by Imaam an-Nawawee in his Hadeeth compilation called The Forty Hadeeths.
A. To widen the student‘s knowledge of Islamic moral principles and rules on cultural matters in the light of the Sunnah, the second source of Islamic legislation.
B. To familiarize students with the methodology used the scholars of Islam to extract and deduce rules of conduct from its sources.
C. To expose students to the methods of referencing Hadeeths and Hadeeth analysis found in dependable works of Hadeeth.
D. To enable the students to begin the memorization of a useful body of Hadeeths
Hadeeth 25 to 37
A. Required Text:
Jamaalud din Zarabozo, Commentary on the Forty Hadith of al-Nawawi, vols.2 & 3
B. Supplementary Texts:
Comments on the commentary of forty Hadeeths of Nawawee by Ibn ‘uthaimeen
‘Aqeedah: Islamic Creed
Course Description
This course is comprised of a study of the fundamental issues in the Science of Tawheed/ ‘Aqeedah most relevant today. It gives an overview of the categories of Tawheed and Shirk.
I. Objectives
- To enable the student to understand the origins of the Science of Tawheed.
- To further develop the student’s grasp of the basic three categories of Tawheed and their antithesis Shirk.
- To develop the student’s basic knowledge regarding some of the controversial issues related to Tawheed.
- To enable students to critically analyze the customs and culture which affects the implementation of Tawheed in Muslim countries today.
- To teach students correct approach to understanding the Islaamic Creed.
II. Class Content
A. Definition of ‘Aqeedah
B. Importance of ‘Aqeedah
C. Unique Characteristics of Islamic ‘Aqeedah
D. Definitions of Eemaan and Islaam and their characteristics
E. Belief in Allaah
1. Proofs For Allaah’s Existence
2. The Appearance of Atheism in Modern Times
3. Tawheed: Ruboobiyyah, Uloohiyyah, & Asmaa wa sifaat
4. Kufr and its categories
5. Shirk and its categories
6. Nifaaq and its categories
A. Required Text:
- Bilal Philips, The Fundamentals of Tawheed, Bilal Philips,
B. Supplementary Texts:
- ‘Abdullah Al-Athari, Islamic Beliefs
This course is comprised of a study of the fundamental issues in the Science of Tawheed/ ‘Aqeedah most relevant today. It gives an overview of the categories of Tawheed and Shirk.
I. Objectives
- To enable the student to understand the origins of the Science of Tawheed.
- To further develop the student’s grasp of the basic three categories of Tawheed and their antithesis Shirk.
- To develop the student’s basic knowledge regarding some of the controversial issues related to Tawheed.
- To enable students to critically analyze the customs and culture which affects the implementation of Tawheed in Muslim countries today.
- To teach students correct approach to understanding the Islaamic Creed.
II. Class Content
A. Definition of ‘Aqeedah
B. Importance of ‘Aqeedah
C. Unique Characteristics of Islamic ‘Aqeedah
D. Definitions of Eemaan and Islaam and their characteristics
E. Belief in Allaah
1. Proofs For Allaah’s Existence
2. The Appearance of Atheism in Modern Times
3. Tawheed: Ruboobiyyah, Uloohiyyah, & Asmaa wa sifaat
4. Kufr and its categories
5. Shirk and its categories
6. Nifaaq and its categories
A. Required Text:
- Bilal Philips, The Fundamentals of Tawheed, Bilal Philips,
B. Supplementary Texts:
- ‘Abdullah Al-Athari, Islamic Beliefs
Course Description
The course provides students with an opportunity to compare and contrast Islam with the theology, beliefs and books of Judaism and Christianity. A particular emphasis of the course will be an understanding of how the teachings, and practices of the Jews and Christians have evolved over time.
I. Objectives
- Providing the student with an understanding of the beliefs of the nations from the beginning of creation until today.
- Clarifying the degree of influence of religion on the life of these nations.
- Enlightening the Muslim missionaries to study these beliefs in order to be better grounded to fulfill their role.
- Making students aware of the subtle effects of secularization and modernization and the fact that religion became complete with the prophethood of Muhammad (Peace be upon him).
II. Class Content
A. Judaism
- History of Judaism
- Technical terms: Hebrews, Jews, Israelites
- The condition of the Jews when the Qur’aan was being revealed according to the Qur’aanic texts.
- Jewish Beliefs and Teachings: Hereafter, Sabbath, Yom Kippur, Jewish Festivals
- Jewish Religious Texts: Old Testament; its definition and books, Talmud: its history and teachings; Protocols of the Elders of Zion
- Jewish Sects
B. Christianity
- The historical background to the birth of Christianity
- The Messiah in the Qur’aan
- The Messiah in the view of Christians
- The most important beliefs of Christians: Divinity of Jesus, Crucification, Atonement, the Original Sin
- Christian Teachings: Baptism, Communion, The Last Supper
- Christian Religious Books: Gospels and the Letters of Paul
- Main Christian Sects: Catholics, Orthodox, Protestants, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Mormons, Seventh Days Adventists, Born Again
A. Required Text:
- Mohammed Muhiyaddin, A Comparative Study of the Religions of Today
- Rifkin, Ira, Spiritual Perspectives on Globalization: Making Sense of Economic and Cultural Upheaval
B. Supplementary Texts:
- Ash-Shahrastaanee, al-Milal wan-Nihal
- Ahmad Shalabee, al-Yahoodiyyah wan-Nasraaniyyah
Muhammad Aboo Zahrah, Muhaadaraat fee an-Nasraaniyyah
Seerah Nabawiyyah
Course Description
This course entails a study of the most important events in the life of the Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) between his birth and migration to Madeenah. It explores the challenges he encountered and the manners with which he responded to them.
I. Objectives
- To enable the student to understand the personality and the character of the noble Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) both as a man and a Prophet.
- To further appreciate the Prophet (Peace be upon him) as a model and guide.
- To develop the student’s basic knowledge and understanding of the Qur’aan as it was enacted and practiced by the Prophet (Peace be upon him).
- To enable the students to acquire the tools of tarbia (character development) and da’wah (Islamic propagation) as they were taught by the Prophet (Peace be upon him).
- To enkindle love for the Prophet (Peace be upon him) in the hearts of students and inspire them to follow his footsteps.
II. Class Content
A. Sources of Seerah – Reasons for studying the Seerah and importance of Seerah
B. Social and religious condition among the Arabs of the Arabian Peninsula prior to Islaam
C. From the Prophet’s (Peace be upon him) birth until the beginning of his prophethood.
1. His ancestry
2. Events at the time of his birth
3. His orphaning and adoption by his grandfather and uncle
4. His wet-nursing and the opening of his chest
5. Allaah’s protection of him from idolatry
6. His travels
7. The Fudool pact and early signs of his impending prophethood
8. His seclusion in Hiraa Cave
9. The coming of revelation, secret Da’wah, open Da’wah, methods of the pagans in opposition to the da’wah, and his sufferings
D. The first two Hijrahs to Ethiopia
E. His presenting Islaam to the tribes
F. His night journey to Jerusalem and his ascension into the heavens
G. The first pledge of allegiance at al-‘Aqabah
H. The second pledge of al-‘Aqabah and its consequences
I. The Hijrah of the Prophet (Peace be upon him) from Makkah to Madeenah
1. Reasons and goals of the Hijrah
2. The ruling regarding Hijrah and the virtues of Hijrah
3. Lessons derived
J. The Madeenah Period: Foundations of the New Community
1. Building the Mosque
2. The brotherhood of faith between emigrants and Muslims of Madeenah
3. Writing the Constitution
Point of Note
When teaching this course, care should be taken to firmly establish the facts from the Qur’aan and authentic Sunnah and the more correct position on issues in which Seerah scholars differed while focusing on the lessons to be learned from the facts and events of the Seerah.
A. Required Text:
- Muhammad Ghazali, Fiqh us-Seerah
- Safiur Rahman al-Mubarakpuri, The Sealed Nectar
B. Supplementary Texts:
- Mahdi Rizqullah Ahmad, A Biography of the Prophet of Islam: In the Light of the Original Sources
- Zakaria Bashir, The Meccan Crucible, The Hijrah, Sunshine in Madinah,
- Mustafa as-Sibaa’ie, The Life of Prophet Muhammad; Highlights and Lessons
- Imaam Soyootee, The Caliphs Who Took the Right Way
- Masud-ul-Hasan, History of Islam
- S. Abul Hasan Ali Nadwi, Muhammad The Last Prophet
Course Description
This course entails a study of the most important events in the life of the Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) from his arrival in Madina until his demise. It examines his persistent efforts to deliver the message of Islam and the examples he set for future generations to follow. It assesses the causes, conductand outcomes of his military campaigns and puts them in perspective.
I. Objectives
- To enable the student to understand the personality and the character of the noble Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) both as a man and a Prophet.
- To further appreciate the Prophet (Peace be upon him) as a model and guide.
- To develop the student’s basic knowledge and understanding of the Qur’aan as it was enacted and practiced by the Prophet (Peace be upon him).
- To enable the students to acquire the tools of tarbia (character development) and da’wah (Islamic propagation) as they were taught by the Prophet (Peace be upon him).
- To enkindle love for the Prophet (Peace be upon him) in the hearts of students and inspire them to follow his footsteps.
II. Class Content
A. The Battles: Their causes, date, results, effects, and lessons to be learned
1. The Battle of Badr
2.The Battle of Uhud
3. The Battle of the Nadeer Clan
4. The Battle of Thaat ar-Ruqaa‘
5. The Battle of the Clans (Trench)
B. The causes, dates, results, effects, and lessons to be learned for all
1. The Treaty of Hudaybiyyah
2. The Battle of Khaybar
3. Letters to kings and rulers
4. The Battle of Hunayn
5. The Battle of Taa’if
6. The Battle of Tabook
7. Year of the Delegations
8. Aboo Bakr’s Hajj with the masses
9. The Farewell Pilgrimage
10. Illness and death of the Prophet (Peace be upon him)
11. Aboo Bakr’s appointment as the Caliph
C. The Prophet’s (Peace be upon him) Household
D. The Prophet’s (Peace be upon him) Character and Manners
Point of Note
When teaching this course, care should be taken to firmly establish the facts from the Qur’aan and authentic Sunnah and the more correct position on issues in which Seerah scholars differed while focusing on the lessons to be learned from the facts and events of the Seerah.
A. Required Text:
- Muhammad Ghazali, Fiqh us-Seerah
- Safiur Rahman al-Mubarakpuri, The Sealed Nectar
B. Supplementary Texts:
- Mahdi Rizqullah Ahmad, A Biography of the Prophet of Islam: In the Light of the Original Sources
- Zakaria Bashir, The Meccan Crucible, The Hijrah, Sunshine in Madinah,
- Mustafa as-Sibaa’ie, The Life of Prophet Muhammad; Highlights and Lessons
- Imaam Soyootee, The Caliphs Who Took the Right Way
- Masud-ul-Hasan, History of Islam
- S. Abul Hasan Ali Nadwi, Muhammad The Last Prophet
Fiqh and Usool Al-Fiqh
Course Description
This course is a critical study of the history of Islamic legislation and the evolution of its various schools of law.
A. Required Texts:
Bilal Philips, The Evolution of Fiqh,
Bilal Philips, The Chennai Treatise
B. Supplementary Texts:
‘Abdur Rahman Doi, The Shariah
1. Providing the student with knowledge enabling him to understand the acts of worship and their correct ettiquette
2. Clarifying the wisdom behind the legislation of acts of worship and their effects on human behavior.
A. Salaah.
1. Tahaarah
Minor and Major Purification and their rules
Wiping Socks, Categories of Water, Ritual Impurity, Menstruation
2. Definition of Salaah, Its Status, Importance and Wisdom
3. Prayer Times
4. Conditions for Validity
5. Obligatory and Recommended Portions of Prayer, Invalidators
6. Sujoodus-Sahw (Prostrations for Forgetfulness)
7. Making up Prayers
8. Recommended Prayers
9. Congregational Prayers and their Rules
10. Method of Salaatul-Mareed
11. Funeral Prayers
B. Zakaah
1. Definition, Status, Importance and Wisdom
2. Conditions for Obligation
3. Types of Wealth Requiring Zakaah
4. Heads of Expenditure for Zakaah
C. Sawm
1. Definition, Status, Importance and Wisdom
2. Conditions for Fasting
3. Atonement for Invalidation
4. Permissible Acts While Fasting
5. Seclusion and its Rules
D. Hajj
1. Definition, Status, Importance and Wisdom
2. Obligation and Its Types: Mufrid, Muqrin and Mutamatti
3. Obligatory and Recommended Acts of Hajj
4. Scrificial Animals and Atonement
5. Ruling Concerning Visitation of the Prophet’s Mosque
A. Required Text:
Salih Al-Fawzan, A Summary of Islamic Jurisprudence, vol. 1
B. Supplementary Texts:
Sayyid Sabiq, Fiqh us-Sunnah I-V (Eng. Trans.)
Course Description
This course is comprised of a study of the fundamental issues of Islamic jurisprudence. Only fiqhul muamalaat (trade transactions) will be covered in this course. The sound sunnah of the Prophet (PBUH) is presented with authentic conclusive evidence. Where ever required modern day examples are mentioned and incorporated. The dire need to know the Islamic rulings of techniques and systems in place in modern day businesses is not ignored.
A. Required Text:
Salih Al-Fawzaan, A Summary of Islamic Jurisprudence, vol.2
B. Supplementary Texts:
Fiqhus Sunnah, Sayyid Sabiq,
Course Description
This course is a survey of usool al-fiqh (the principles of Islamic jurisprudence). The main topics of study are the daleels that are universally considered authoritative, followed by the controversial daleels (excluding those most relevant to al Maqaasid al-Shar‘iyyah), linguistic issues relevant to interpretation of the texts, the nature of Sharee‘ah rules, and issues concerning ijtihaad.
I. Objectives
To enable the student to understand the origins of the Science of Usool al-Fiqh.
To familiarize the student with the proofs for the authority of the various types of evidence recognized in Usool al-Fiqh and the arguments of those who reject various proofs.
To acquaint the student with the main rules regarding interpretation of textual evidence as well as the most important controversies surrounding some of them.
To give the student a clear framework for understanding the nature of rules employed in fiqh.
To familiarize students with the methodology for dealing with apparently contradictory evidence.
To acquaint the student with the main issues related to ijtihaad.
II. Class Content
An introduction to the science of Usool al-Fiqh: Its origin and development and the difference between Usool al-Fiqh and Fiqh.
Identification of fields of knowledge that have contributed to Usool ul Fiqh i.e. the Qur’aan, Sunnah, Arabic Language, logic and Fiqh
Examining the concept of Ijtihad as found in the early times.
Issues regarding the Hukm Shar‘ee (Islamic Law) and what is related to it.
Defining declarative law ( al-hukum al-wad’ee) in detail with its sub-divisions and ways of identifying categories when appropriate.
Discussing the nature of Shariah Laws
Role of intellect and free will in determining the legal capacity.
An overview of types of evidence: Qat’ee and Zannee, Primary and Secondary, transmitted and rational
Issues related to the Qur’aan
The Issues related to Sunnah
The issue of Abrogation (Naskh)
The Language- Clarity of Language and linguistic issues
Research on Command and Prohibition: Definition; ways that command and prohibition are conveyed in Arabic. The legal value of it, an order after a prohibition, and non-literal uses of it
Research on the General and Specific: Definitions of the ‘Aam and Khaas, generalization terminology
Research on the Unlimited and the Limited: Definitions of the Mutlaq and Muqayyid, the working relationship between the two.
Research on the Textual Implications: The Stated (Mantooq) and Unstated ( Maskoot)
Discussion on Ijmaa’: Definition, books on Ijmaa’ and the controversy on the authority of Ijmaa’
Study on Qiyaas: Definition, proof for those who reject the Qiyaas and the conditions pertaining to the original and new cases.
Research on Istis-haab (Presumption of Continuity): definition, recognition and evidence for its authority and its types.
Required Text:
Bilal Philips, A Commentary on Usool al- Fiqh Made Easy
Supplementary Texts:
Study notes by Riaz Ansary
Imran Ahsan Khan Nyazee, Outlines of Islamic Jurisprudence
Muhammad Hashim Kamali, Principles of Islamic Jurisprudence
This course focuses on an important area in Islamic Jurisprudence which is the discipline of legal maxims. The Subject of Islamic legal maxims aphoristically subsumes all the spectrums that purpose of Shari’ah is all about. There are six basic Islamic legal maxims agreed upon among the Islamic scholars on which the tenet of Islamic law is based. Each one of these six legal maxims has some subsidiary maxims which are either functioning as further explanation to the grand maxim or condition and restriction to it. This course attempts to analyze those six legal maxims and their sub-maxims in addition to some more comprehensive maxims.
I. Objectives
Introduce the history, character and significance of Islamic legal maxims.
Be familiar with the legal maxims of Islamic law and the various subsidiary maxims as well as other comprehensive maxims.
Use the source materials of maxims of Islamic law.
Introduce fundamental principles and applications of Islamic law.
Comprehend Fiqhi issues based on legal maxims.
Acquire knowledge of the particulars of Fiqh from various chapters of Fiqh.
Introduction to Islamic Legal maxims: Defining the Maqaasid, identifying their importance, categories and sources.
Relationship Between Islamic Legal Maxims and other disciplines of Fiqh thought.
Role and History of Islamic legal Maxims: Role of Islamic legal maxims in common Ijtihad and in contemporary ijtihad and Historical development of Islamic legal maxims before compilation of Fiqh
An Overview of Major Maxims: Meaning, origins, history and application of each with its subsidiary and minor maxims.
Other comprehensive and general maxims.
A. Required Text:
PDF notes
B. Supplementary Texts:
Philips, Dr Bilal, A compilation of Islamic Legal Maxims.
C. Recommended Texts:
Laldin, Dr Mohammad Akram, A Mini Guide to Shari’ah & Legal Maxims.
Al-Amiri, R S. (2003). Legal Maxims in Islamic Jurisprudence: Their History, Character and Significance, University of Birmingham, UK: Islamic Texts Society
Al-Bornu, M. S. Al-Wajiz Fi Idahi Qawa’idil Fiqh al-Kulliyah (Arabic version), 1998, Al-Risalah Publishers, Lebanon.
Arabic Language
Course Description
This course, originally designed for adults by King Saud University, Riyadh, develops Arabic reading and writing skills gradually and logically without requiring the learner to memorize all 28 letters of the alphabet plus their 112 variations before learning to read and write. It has been modified with English explanations and presentations to further simplify the learning process for adult English speakers.
ARB 100 (Reading and Writing) is a noncredit and optional course for those who do not know how to read and write Arabic script.
I. Objectives
- To enable the student read and write Arabic.
II. Textbooks :
A. Required Text:
- Bilal Philips, Arabic Reading and Writing Made Easy
Course Description
- The knowledge/study of the most important legacy books of grammar.
- The knowledge/study of some of the classical - scholars of grammar - OR - grammarians.
- Manner of understanding grammatical texts written in the Arabic language properly
- Correct/sound aloud reading/recitation of Arabic grammatical texts
- Appointment of the Arabic grammar in understanding the Noble Quran.
- To study about the most important schools of Arabic grammar.
- Knowing the most important signs which distinguishes the noun, verb and the particle.
- The learning of the different types of inflection.
- Knowing of the difference between the triptotical [fully inflected] nouns and the diptote nouns.
- Introduction about the author and the meaning of the book‘s name.
- The subject of Arabic Grammar and the benefits of studying it
- Introduction Of Nahw
- Lexical and Terminological meaning
- Kind of Nahw between the Arabic Sciences
- The injunction of the Islamic law of studying Nawh
- Study of Al- Kalam
- Definition, lexical and terminological meaning
- The main conditions of Arabic Speech
- General questions of Al-Kalam
- Parts of Speech
- The noun: Definition, lexical and terminological meaning
- The verb: Lexical and terminological meaning, kinds of verb and meaning of each
- The Particle: Lexical and terminological meaning
- General Questions
- Signs of the Noun
- Signs of the Verbs
- Signs of the Particles
- Inflection (baabul A‘raab): Lexical and terminological meaning, kinds of change in inflection
- General Questions regarding
- With shortened ending
- With curtailed ending
- Knowledge about the signs of inflection
- Diptote noun or Not fully inflected noun: Kinds and Cases
A. Required Text:
- At-Tuhfatu Assaniyyatu bisharhi Almuqaddimati Al-ajroomiyah by Dr. Mohammad Mohyy Al Deen Abd AlHameed
Class Description
Name of Class: Arabic course 2 (Grammar level 1),
Credit Hours:
Catalog Description: Arabic Grammar Level 1 introduces students to Arabic grammar in a unique way based on the frequency of vocabulary usage. Level 1 focuses completely on the major nominal grammatical constructions. Its lessons are taught using English as the medium of instruction in order to give the student a basic understanding of Arabic grammar from an English grammatical perspective.
Prerequisites: ARB 101
This course seeks to enhance for the students the following:
1- Listening to Arabic language from native speaker.
2- Reading and writing Arabic language by a correct way as Native speakers read and write
3- Learning Basics of Arabic language.
4-growing the speaking skills.
5- Using Many words from Quran Kareem
6- Learning bases of Arabic Grammar (Alnahw) النحو
7 - listing to Quran from native (Egyptian) readers
8- Learning How students make إعراب
9- Learning Arabic numbers from 1 to ten
10- making the dual form
11- Learning the kinds of the plural nouns
12-Learning the kinds of diptote nouns
13- Listening to the conversations by native speakers
Instructor Information
Name: Dr. Ebraheem Abd Alhafeez Mohammed Abo Dawy
Location: Elmenofya Egypt
Instructional methods: Recorded Lectures.
The book and the author
Required Text: دُروسُ اللغةِ العربيَّةِ لِغيْرِ النَّاطقينَ بِها
(الجزءُ الأولُ)
Arabic language lessons for non – native speakers (first Part)
This book consists of 3 Parts
In This course we will study the lessons from 10 to 23(The end of book1)
In the end of this course we will finish part one of this book inshaa allah
The Author Dr . F. Abd Alraheem
Course Description
The knowledge/study of the most important legacy books of grammar.
The knowledge/study of some of the classical - scholars of grammar - OR - grammarians.
Manner of understanding grammatical texts written in the Arabic language properly
Correct/sound aloud reading/recitation of Arabic grammatical texts
Appointment of the Arabic grammar in understanding the Noble Quran.
To study about the most important schools of Arabic grammar.
To study all the signs of the various I’raab.
To study verbs in all of its tenses and its various conditions.
To do an in depth study of the various nominative nouns
Continuation of signs of I’raab
Continuation of diptote nouns ,& signs of Jazm
Case endings with vowels & case endings with letters
past tense & command verb
Present tense verb & its accusatives
Jussives of the present tense verb
Conditional sentences & nominative nouns
Nominative nouns
Definition, lexical and terminological meaning
The subject of the verbal sentence-clear & pronoun subject
The substitute of the subject
The subject & predicate of the nominal sentence
The noun of the verb كان
The predicate of إِنَّ
The noun and predicate of the verb ظَنَّ
The followers of the nominative noun
A. Required Text:
At-Tuhfatu Assaniyyatu bisharhi Almuqaddimati Al-ajroomiyah by Dr. Mohammad Mohyy Al Deen Abd AlHameed
Course Description
- The knowledge/study one of the most important books of grammar.
- The knowledge/study of some of the classical - scholars of grammar - OR - grammarians.
- Manner of understanding grammatical texts written in the Arabic language properly
- Correct/sound aloud reading/recitation of Arabic grammatical texts
- Appointment of the Arabic grammar in understanding the Noble Quran.
- To study about the most important schools of Arabic grammar.
- To study all the signs of the various I’raab.
- To do an in depth study of the various nominative nouns
- To do an in depth study of the various accusative nouns
- To do an in depth study of the various genitive nouns
- Continuation of nominative nouns
- Continuation of the followers of the nominative noun- the adjectival phrase
- The definite noun and its various types
- The indefinite noun and its types
- Continuation of the followers of the nominative noun- conjunctions
- The particles of conjunction
- Continuation of the followers of the nominative noun- corroborative noun
- Types of the corroborative noun
- Continuation of the followers of the nominative noun- substitute noun
- Types of the substitute noun
- Accusative nouns
- Definition, lexical and terminological meaning
- The direct object
- The infinitive or absolute object
- Types of the absolute object
- The time and space qualifiers
- The circumstantial qualifier
- The conditions of the circumstantial qualifier
- The specifying element
- The specifying element
- The conditions of the specifying element
- The exception
- The various words of exception
- Absolute negation with لا
- Thevocative
- The object of reason
- The object of accompaniment
- Genitive nouns
- Definition, lexical and terminological meaning
- The types of genitive nouns
A. Required Text:
- At-Tuhfatu Assaniyyatu bisharhi Almuqaddimati Al-ajroomiyah by Dr. Mohammad Mohyy Al Deen Abd AlHameed
Course Description
Name of the course: Al Madeenah book (1)
Programme of study: High diploma (Bridge to Master in Islamic studies)
Code ARB 101
Name of the academic staff: Dr Ebraheem Abd Alahfeez Abo Dawy
Almadeenah Book 1 (The first course)
This course guides students to a daily speaking a language with some Arabic grammars in a unique way based on the frequency of vocabulary usage. Level 1 focuses completely on the major nominal grammatical constructions mixed with the daily expressions. Its lessons are taught using English as the medium of instruction in order to give the student a basic understanding of Arabic grammar from an English grammatical perspective.
Learning Objectives (Aims)
This course seeks to enhance for the students the following:
1- Listing to the Arabic language from the native speaker.
2- Reading and writing Arabic language by a correct way as Native speakers read and write
3- Learning Basics of Arabic language.
4-growing the speaking skills of Arabic language
5- Using Many words from Quran Kareem
6- Learning some bases of Arabic Grammar (Alnahw) النحو
8 - listing to Quran from native (Egyptian) readers
Name of The book
Arabic language lessons for non – native speakers (first Part)- The Islamic University in Al Madeenah Al Monwarah(KSA)By Dr F Abd Al Raheem
The Arabic name of the book دروس اللغة العربية لغير الناطقين بها ، تأليف الدكتور ف عبد الرحيم (الجزء الأول)
From The beginning of the book to page 60
Name of Class Arabic language – The third course of Kettab Al Madeenah
Name Dr : Ebraheem Abd Alhafeez abo dawy
دروس اللغة العربية لغير الناطقين بها للدكتور ف عبد الرحيم
Second part الجزء الثاني from the beginning of the book to page 64
At the completion of this course students should:
Have knowledge of the Arabic numbers from 1 to 20
Have knowledge of the past verb with the attached pronouns
Have the knowledge of the kinds of the verbal nouns
Have the knowledge of the kinds of the vocative
Have the knowledge of knowing many new words and their plurals