Master of Arts in Islamic Studies

> MA in Islamic Studies Admission Test and Arabic Admission Test

MA in Islamic Studies Admission Test and Arabic Admission Test

MAIS Admission Test and Arabic Admission Test Policy applies to:

  • MA in Islamic Studies Applicants (without a bachelor’s in Islamic Studies / higher diploma in Islamic Studies)

Eligibility criteria to sit for the Admission Test and Arabic Admission Test

An accredited (4 years) Bachelor’s Degree in any discipline other than Islamic Studies AND minimum 36 credit hours of university level core Islamic Studies courses* completed at any other university / institution / Madrasa / Jaamiya.


*Core Islamic Studies courses are hereby defined as:

  1. Aqeedah (Islamic Theology)
  2. Fiqh (Islamic Jurisprudence)
  3. Usool (Principles – of jurisprudence / exegesis / Prophetic (ﷺ) Teachings)
  4. Tafseer (Qur’anic Exegesis)
  5. Hadeeth (Prophetic (ﷺ) Teachings)
  6. Seerah (Biography of the Prophet (ﷺ))
  7. Islamiyat (General Islamic Studies covering a range of the above mentioned Islamic Sciences)
  8. Arabic Nahw and Sarf (Grammar and Morphology)


Exam Structure:

Both the Admission Test and Arabic Admission Test will be fully online.


The Admission Test and the Arabic Admission Test are subject to $20 flat fee each. Total = $40. 

They are non-refundable and non-transferable under all circumstances. Only one attempt is allowed for the exam. If the student misses the exam for the applied semester without a valid reason, he or she would have to pay the fees again the following semester.

MAIS Admission Test Passing Grades :

80-100%Student is eligible to join MA in Islamic Studies at the IOU.
Below 80%Student has to join the Higher Diploma Program: Bridge to MA in Islamic Studies at the IOU. After successful completion, student will be eligible for the MA program.


Arabic Admission Test Passing Grades Table:

60% and AboveStudent is eligible to enroll into the MA in Islamic Studies program.
50-59%In order to be eligible to join MA in Islamic Studies Program, student has to complete Arabic Grammar BMAIS I, Arabic Grammar BMAIS II and Arabic Grammar BMAIS III courses at the IOU
40-49%In order to be eligible to join MA in Islamic Studies Program, student has to complete ARB 201, Arabic Grammar BMAIS I, Arabic Grammar BMAIS II and Arabic Grammar BMAIS III courses at the IOU
39% & belowIn order to be eligible to join MA in Islamic Studies Program, student has to complete ARB 101, ARB 102, ARB 201, Arabic Grammar BMAIS I, Arabic Grammar BMAIS II and Arabic Grammar BMAIS III courses at the IOU

Procedure to apply for MAIS Admission Test and/or MAIS Arabic Admission Test:

  1. Apply for MA admission. Please click here to go to the online registration form.
  2. If you are eligible, you will be notified via email. Then please proceed to pay for the tests.
  3. After receiving payment confirmation, you will be automatically enrolled into the tests.

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