Bachelor of Arts in Islamic Studies

> Top Three Students

Top Three Students

Top-ten list of students for semester FALL2017
Rank Student Country Percentage
1 Fatema Moly Bangladesh 94.1467
2 Haniya Areej Syed Nusrat Ullah United Arab Emirates 93.345
3 Haadiyah Ansari India 92.285
4 Bibi Zainab Dowlut United Kingdom 92.1183
5 Sana Sultan Saudi Arabia 91.9317
6 Halima Qaderi Afghanistan 91.7333
7 Emir Roumili France 91.6583
8 Salwa Hassan Saudi Arabia 91.1567
9 Fatima Mazhar Saudi Arabia 90.9067
10 Sandi Rachmad Buchori Indonesia 90.2333

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