Listening, Writing, Reading and Speaking
Module Description and Aim(s)/ Objective(s)
The module aims to provide students with the knowledge of pronunciation and reading of Arabic letters and words.
Students will gain exposure to:
- appropriate reading methods
- writing of Arabic letters individually and as parts of words
- word construction
- framing of the Arabic language
- Arabic expression of daily needs
Learning Outcomes
- Upon completion of this module, students should be able to:
- Explain a basic framing of Arabic word construction
- Pronounce the letters of the Arabic alphabet
- Read Arabic words with basic comprehension
- Write Arabic letters individually and as parts of words
- Express themselves in Arabic concerning their daily needs
Module Description and Aim(s)/ Objective(s)
The module aims to provide students with the knowledge of pronunciation and reading of Arabic letters and words.
Students will gain exposure to:
- Increasing fluency of reading Arabic text
- Expressions of daily needs
- Increasing rate of comprehension of Arabic speech
- Framing of the Arabic language
- First, second and third person pronouns
Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this module, students should be able to:
- Demonstrate usage of increased vocabulary
- Demonstrate beginner comprehension of Arabic speech
- Read Arabic words with basic comprehension
- Demonstrate usage of pronouns
- Express themselves in Arabic concerning their daily needs
Module Description and Aim(s)/ Objective(s)
This modules aims to provide a study of mastering Arabic linguistic skills; such as listening, reading, writing and speaking, with a focus on linguistic competence and performance.
The aims of this module are to inculcate habit of listening and speaking, as well as the knowledge of strategies for reading and writing.
This modules aims to develop the effective listening abilities of students.
Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this module, students should be able to:
- Describe and demonstrate effective listening strategies
- Describe and demonstrate effective reading and writing strategies
- Deliver a short, prepared Arabic speech
- Read Arabic passages with comprehension
Module Description and Aim(s)/ Objective(s)
This modules aims to provide a study of mastering Arabic linguistic skills; such as listening, reading, writing and speaking, with a focus on linguistic competence and performance.
This module specifically explores pronunciation, selected grammar and punctuation.
Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this module, students should be able to:
- Demonstrate improved pronunciation of Arabic words
- Demonstrate effective usage of the comma, semicolon and question mark
- Demonstrate improved reading abilities
- Use additional vocabulary in context
- Explain noun families and use nouns appropriately
Lessons from the Noble Qur'an
Module Description and Aim(s)/ Objective(s)
The module aims to provide students with fundamental literal understandings and meanings of selected chapters from the Holy Quran.
The module aims to expose students to:
- Arabic recitation of selected chapters of the Holy Quran
- Translated meanings of the Quranic verses
- Differentiation between Meccan and Madinian verses
- Pluralisation of selected words extracted from the studied verses
- Reasons for revelation of the verses
- Study of the morals and values imparted by the verses
Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this module, students should be able to:
- Recite the Arabic Quranic chapters and verses fluently
- Provide literal meanings of the studied verses
- Relay the revealed story of the “People of the elephant”
- Provide a brief description of the tribe of قُريش Quraish
- Provide a brief description of the progeny of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
- Provide a brief description of Abu Lahab, the uncle of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
Module Description and Aim(s)/ Objective(s)
The module aims to provide students with fundamental literal understandings and meanings of selected chapters from the Holy Quran.
The module aims to expose students to:
- Arabic recitation of selected chapters of the Holy Quran
- Translated meanings of the Quranic verses
- Pluralisation of selected words extracted from the studied verses
- Reasons for revelation of the verses
- Study of the morals and values imparted by the verses
- Extraction of words from Quranic verses for use in conversational Arabic
Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this module, students should be able to:
- Recite the Arabic Quranic chapters and verses fluently
- Provide literal meanings of the studied verses
- Provide a brief description and translation of the chapters: Al Shams, Al Layl, Ad Duha, Ash Shareh, At Teen, Al Alaq, Al Qadr, Al Bayyinah, Al Zalzalah, Al Adeyat, Al Qari’ah, Al Kawthar, At Takathur
Module Description and Aim(s)/ Objective(s)
The module aims to provide students with fundamental literal understandings and meanings of selected chapters from the Holy Quran.
The module aims to cover the meanings and explanations of the الاسْتعاذة and البسملة , and also covers the following chapters : سورة الانشقاق – البروج – الطارق – الأعلى – الغاشية – الفجر – البلد – سورة البقرة الآيات ( 275 – 281) – سورة آل عمران الآيات ( 26- 30 ) – سورة المؤمنون ( 1 – 11 ) سورة الأحزاب ( 21 – 25 ) - سورة يس ( 77 – 83 ) – سورة الأحقاف ( 15 – 18 )
Module Description and Aim(s)/ Objective(s)
- The module aims to provide students with fundamental literal understandings and meanings of selected chapters from the Holy Quran.
- The module aims to cover the meanings and explanations of جُزءُ عمَّ
Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this module, students should be able to:
- Recite the selected Arabic Quranic chapters fluently
- Provide translations of the studied verses
- Provide summaries of Surah النبأ to سورة المطففين
- Complete the Irab of the words of the verses
- Extract the point of rhetoric from the studied verses
Module Description and Aim(s)/ Objective(s)
The module aims to introduce students to basic grammatical constructions through the study of Arabic conversations.
The module aims to expose students to:
- Native usage of the Arabic language
- Arabic conversation examples
- Vocabulary building
- Main grammatical constructions
- Daily expressions
Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this module, students should be able to:
- Demonstrate faster comprehension of Arabic speech
- Read basic Arabic text
- Write basic Arabic script
- Converse on a beginner level within specified contexts
- Demonstrate usage of words extracted from Quranic verses
- Demonstrate usage of basic Arabic Grammar النحو
Module Description and Aim(s)/ Objective(s)
The module aims to introduce students to basic grammatical constructions through the study of Arabic conversations.
The module aims to expose students to:
- Native usage of the Arabic language
- Arabic conversation examples
- Vocabulary building
- Main grammatical constructions
- Daily expressions
Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this module, students should be able to:
- Demonstrate competency in reading and writing Arabic
- Demonstrate competency in Arabic conversation
- Use words extracted from Quranic verses in daily Arabic
- Demonstrate application of grammar النحو
- Demonstrate application of vowelisation إعراب
- Use Arabic numerals: from 1 to ten
- Use the dual form of the word
- Demonstrate application of plural nouns
- Demonstrate usage of diptote nouns
Module Description and Aim(s)/ Objective(s)
The module aims to introduce students to basic grammatical constructions through the study of Arabic conversations.
The module aims to expose students to:
- Native usage of the Arabic language
- Arabic conversation examples
- Vocabulary building
- Main grammatical constructions
- Daily expressions
Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this module, students should be able to:
- Demonstrate competency in reading and writing Arabic
- Demonstrate competency in Arabic conversation
- Use Arabic numerals: 1-20
- Demonstrate application of grammar النحو
- Use the dual form of the word
- Demonstrate application of verbal nouns
- Demonstrate application of the past verb with attached pronouns
Module Description and Aim(s)/ Objective(s)
The module aims to introduce students to basic grammatical constructions through the study of Arabic conversations and texts.
The module aims to expose students to:
- Native usage of the Arabic language
- Arabic conversation examples
- Vocabulary building
- Main grammatical constructions
- Daily expressions
Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this module, students should be able to:
- Differentiate between KAM of questioning and KAM of information كَم الاستفهامية وكم الخبرية
- Use Arabic numbers
- Demonstrate usage of inflection of MONZ منْذُ
- Differentiate between the two particles of the future السين وسوف
- Use the vocabulary of the days of the week
- Differentiate between LA of negation and LA of prohibition لا النافية ولا الناهية
Module Description and Aim(s)/ Objective(s)
The module aims to advance students’ understanding of grammatical constructions through the continued study of Arabic conversations and texts.
The module aims to expose students to:
- Inflection
- Assimilated, hollow and defective verbs
- Passive voice
- Past and present tense
- Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this module, students should be able to:
- Demonstrate effective usage of inflection قبل وبعْدُ
- Differentiate between and use the assimilated verbs, the hollow verbs and the defective verbs
- Use declinable and indeclinable nouns and verbs in sentences
- Use the passive voice of the past and present tense verbs
Module Description and Aim(s)/ Objective(s)
The module aims to advance students’ understanding of grammatical constructions through the continued study of Arabic conversations and texts.
The module aims to expose students to:
- Inflection
- Active participles
- Noun of instrument
- Nouns of time and place
- Questioning nouns
- Style of pain and sorrow
Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this module, students should be able to:
- Formulate and use the active participles of the three letter verbs and 3+ letter verbs
- Formulate and use the noun of instrument
- Formulate and use the nouns of time and place
- Demonstrate inflection of the questioning nouns
- Describe and demonstrate inflection of the style of pain and sorrow أُسلُوبُ النُّدبةِ
Module Description and Aim(s)/ Objective(s)
The module aims to advance students’ understanding of grammatical constructions through the continued study of Arabic conversations and texts.
The module aims to expose students to:
- Adverbs
- Conditional words
- Verbs
- Constructs of warning
- Negation
Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this module, students should be able to:
- Demonstrate use of the future adverb of time (إذا)
- Demonstrate use of conditional words which render the present verb Majzoom
- Use the simple/pure three letter verbs and augmented three letter verbs
- Explain and use the warning style أسلُوب التحذير
- Explain and use the LAA that negates the genus لا النَّافيةُ للجِنْسِ
- Explain and demonstrate use of the deletion of the predict after لولا
Module Description and Aim(s)/ Objective(s)
The module aims to advance students’ understanding of grammatical constructions through the continued study of Arabic conversations and texts.
The module aims to expose students to:
- Complete and incomplete verbs
- Accusative particles
- Absolute objects
- Causative objects
- Emphasis of the present tense verb
- Broken plural scales
Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this module, students should be able to:
- Differentiate between the complete verb عسى and the incomplete verb
- Explain and use the accusative particles of the present verb
- Explain and use absolute object المفعول المُطلق
- Explain and use the causative object المفعولُ له أو لأجله
- Create emphasis in the present tense verb by using the Noon توكيدُ الفعلِ المضارعِ بالنون
- Demonstrate usage of the scales of the broken plural
Arabic Grammar
Module Description and Aim(s)/ Objective(s)
The module aims to provide students with a beginner’s introduction to Arabic grammar.
The module aims to expose students to:
- Verbs, nouns and particles
- Types of sentences
- Singular, dual and plural forms of words
- Pronouns
- Inflection of pronouns
Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this module, students should be able to:
- Differentiate between verbs, nouns and particles
- Identify and construct different types of sentences
- Demonstrate usage of singular, dual and plural nouns
- Demonstrate usage of different pronouns
- Demonstrate usage of inflection of pronouns at the beginning of sentences
Module Description and Aim(s)/ Objective(s)
The module aims to provide students with a beginner’s introduction to Arabic grammar.
The module aims to expose students to:
Relative and demonstrative pronouns
- Adjectives
- Objects in sentences
Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this module, students should be able to:
- Demonstrate usage of the demonstrative pronouns
- Demonstrate usage of the relative pronouns
- Use incomplete verbs (كانَ and its sisters)
- Use the cancellation particles ( إنَّ and its sisters)
- Demonstrate usage of the subject الفاعل
- Use visible nouns, an attached pronoun and hidden pronouns
- Demonstrate use of the adjective النَّعتُ/الصِّفةُ, adjective of the subject نعتُ المبتدأِ , and adjective of the direct objectنعتُ المفعولِ بهِ
Module Description and Aim(s)/ Objective(s)
The module aims to provide students with a beginner’s introduction to Arabic grammar.
The module aims to expose students to:
- Declinable nouns
- Indeclinable nouns
- Narration of Musa
- Adverb of time
- Adverb of place
Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this module, students should be able to:
- Demonstrate usage of the prepositions and the noun in the genitive case حروفُ الجرِّ والاسمُ المجرورُ
- Demonstrate usage of the adverb of time and the adverb of place ظرف الزَّمانِ وظرفُ المكانِ
- Demonstrate usage of the declinable and indeclinable nouns الأسماءُ المُعْربةُ والأسماءُ المبْنيَّةُ
- Demonstrate usage of the declinable and indeclinable verbs الأفعال المُعْربةُ والأسماءُ المبْنيَّةُ
- Demonstrate the inflection of the sound ending verb and the weak ending verb
- Demonstrate usage of vowelisation using a keyboard (computer)
Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this module, students should be able to:
- Demonstrate use of the five verbs and their inflection in all cases
- Use the past tense verb , the present tense verb and the imperative verb
- Describe and apply inflection of dual and plural forms
- Demonstrate use of the deletion of the Noon at the end of the dual and sound masculine plural forms
- Describe and apply inflection of the five nouns by letters
- Use nouns with shortened endings
Module Description and Aim(s)/ Objective(s)
The module aims to provide students with a focused study of Arabic grammar.
The module aims to expose students to:
- Types of noun endings
- Predicate
- Visible pronouns
- Hidden pronouns
- Rules of substitution
Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this module, students should be able to:
- Demonstrate usage of newly-acquired vocabulary
- Differentiate between and use nouns with shortened endings and nouns with curtailed endings
- Describe and use different types of predicate
- Differentiate between and use visible pronouns and hidden pronouns
- Apply the rules of substitution
Grammar and Syntax
The module aims to deepen students’ understanding of grammar.
The classical Arabic grammar primer, التُّحفة السَّنية بشرحِ المُقدِّمة الآجرُّومية , will be taught in this module, following the tradition of in-depth studies of grammar.
The module aims to deepen students’ understanding of grammar.
The classical Arabic grammar primer, التُّحفة السَّنية بشرحِ المُقدِّمة الآجرُّومية , will be taught in this module, following the tradition of in-depth studies of grammar.
The module aims to deepen students’ understanding of grammar.
The classical Arabic grammar primer, التُّحفة السَّنية بشرحِ المُقدِّمة الآجرُّومية , will be taught in this module, following the tradition of in-depth studies of grammar.
Arabic Morphology
Module Description and Aim(s)/ Objective(s)
The module aims to provide students with a focused study of morphology and morphological scales in Arabic.
The module aims to expose students to:
- Types of noun endings
- Predicate
- Visible pronouns
- Hidden pronouns
- Rules of substitution
Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this module, students should be able to:
- Analyse and extract the main three letters of the scale of the past tense verb
- Demonstrate using attached pronouns with the past tense verb
- Demonstrate using the past tense verb with pronouns of the object
- Formulate present tense verbs using the main three letters
- Explain and use appropriate letters at the beginning of the present tense verb
Module Description and Aim(s)/ Objective(s)
The module aims to provide students with a focused study of morphology and morphological scales in Arabic.
Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this module, students should be able to:
- Analyse and extract the main three letters of the scale of the past tense verb
- Derive the present verb from non-three letter verbs
- Use Arabic dictionaries effectively
- Differentiate between the denuded verb and the augmented verb
- Differentiate between the agent noun and the patient noun
- Describe and use sound and weak verbs
- Formulate commanding verbs from non-three letter verbs
Module Description and Aim(s)/ Objective(s)
The module aims to provide students with a focused study of morphology and morphological scales in Arabic.
Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this module, students should be able to:
- Explain and use defective verbs, and demonstrate the inflection of them
- Demonstrate usage of the types of verbs which contain two weak letters
- Demonstrate usage of the passive voice of the past and present verbs
- Demonstrate effective usage of Arabic dictionaries
- Explain and demonstrate usage of the inert and derived nouns
Module Description and Aim(s)/ Objective(s)
The module aims to provide students with a focused study of morphology and morphological scales in Arabic.
Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this module, students should be able to:
- Explain and derive infinitives from quadriliteral verbs
- Explain and derive infinitives from quinqueliteral verbs
- Explain and derive infinitives from sexiliteral verbs
- Explain and demonstrate usage of the noun of one act
- Demonstrate usage of the technical infinitive
- Explain and derive the agent-noun and patient-noun from non-trilateral verbs
- Differentiate between the noun of place and the noun of time
Islamic Studies
This module serves as an entry into Islamic studies with a focus on Islamic belief and Quranic studies. Students will be introduced to foundational aspects of Islamic creed and related concepts. The module will also explore the Quran and divine revelation.
Module Description and Aim(s)/ Objective(s)
This module serves as a basis of the study of Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him), his life and teachings. An analysis of his contribution to the rise of Islam in Mecca and Madinah (Saudi Arabia) will be conducted, with branching into the science of Prophetic Narration sciences and evaluation.
Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this module, students should be able to:
- Provide a summary of the biography of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
- Contextualise teachings of Islam extracted from the Meccan and Madinian periods of the rise of Islam, and describe ways of application in the current era
- Describe the fundamentals of Hadeeth (Narrations of Prophet Muhammad PBUH) sciences
- Explain selected narrations of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
Module Description and Aim(s)/ Objective(s)
This module introduces the student to the systems of Islamic jurisprudence and explore the evolution and development of schools of thought. Principles and sources of Islamic jurisprudence will be evaluated, coupled with a study of selected examples of acts of Islamic worship.
Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this module, students should be able to:
- Define and explain Islamic jurisprudence systems
- Provide summaries of the schools of thought of Islamic jurisprudence
- Identify and categorise sources of Islamic jurisprudence
- Describe and explain selected acts of worship in Islamic jurisprudence
Module Description and Aim(s)/ Objective(s)
This module bridges a study between a historical overview of the Caliphate rule of Islam with comparative religion studies. Students will be exposed to the fundamentals and religious systems of belief of: Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism and Zoroastrianism.
Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this module, students should be able to:
- Define and explain the concept of Caliphate in Islam
- Summarise the historical accounts of the first four Caliphs of Islam
- Provide an overview of the fundamentals of comparative religious studies
- Identify and explain the key tenets, systems of belief and fundamentals of: Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism and Zoroastrianism
Module Description and Aim(s)/ Objective(s)
This module aims to develop needed academic literacies and familiarity with English communication skills. Students will be taught relevant academic literacy strategies and English language principles. The module aims to develop strengthened competency in English writing.
Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this module, students should be able to:
- demonstrate familiarity with general norms of English language usage
- demonstrate appropriate usage of English grammar and punctuation
- demonstrate competencies in listening, speaking, reading, writing (LSRW) skills in academic contexts
- demonstrate competency in using academic writing styles
- summarise and take notes from lectures and presentations
Module Description and Aim(s)/ Objective(s)
This module focuses on a breadth-first coverage of Computer Science and Information Technology disciplines, introducing computing environments, general application software, basic computing hardware, operating systems, desktop publishing, Internet, software applications and tools and computer usage concepts; introducing Computer Science, Software engineering, and Information technology within the broader domain of Computing, and social issues of computing.
Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this module, students should be able to:
- Demonstrate usage of general software and programmes applicable to the discipline
- Provide an overview of Computer Science developments
- Provide an overview of Information Technology
- Demonstrate familiarity with selected Information Systems
- Demonstrate familiarity with related social and legal issues relating to computing
Module Description and Aim(s)/ Objective(s)
The module aims to introduce students to a deepened study of Arabic literature.
Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this module, students should be able to:
- Discuss the multifaceted relationship of literature with society as a mediator, mirror, interpreter and critic
- Explain the importance of the law of inheritance
- Discuss literary texts within their social, historical and cultural contexts
- Evaluate the roles of formal religion, ethical thinking and folk traditions in the creation of literature
- Use newly-acquired vocabulary to express feeling and sentiment
The module aims to introduce students to a deepened study of Arabic literature.
This module provides a study of literary issues of two salient dynasties in the history of Arabic literature: Umayyad and Abbasid dynasties. Umayyad and Abbasid literature consists of works of orators, poets and scribes, which were composed from the advent of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) (610 – 632 AD) till the end of the tenure of the four Rightly Guided Caliphs (632 – 661 AD); namely, Abubakr Siddiq, Umar ibn Khattab, Uthman ibn Affan and Ali ibn Abi Taalib.
The purpose of this study is to briefly highlight the principal factors that stimulated the political crises which led to the assassination of Caliph Aliyy bin Abi- Taalib, the beginning of Umayyad dynasty (661 – 750 AD), the subsequent rise of Abbasid dynasty (750 – 1258 AD) after the fall of the Umayyad dynasty. Also, in this module, the trends of poetry, prose and oratory expressions during those periods will be studied extensively with analyses of some works of popular poets, orators and scribes including their ideologies, and the themes and purposes of their works.
The module aims to introduce students to a deepened study of Arabic literature.
This module provides a study of literary texts and issues of two periods: Andalusian and Modern.
This module is comprised of a study of Arabic linguistics. In this module, a background to Arabic linguistics and Semitic languages will be provided.
The module also explores the effect of Islam on the Arabic language, and addresses topics such as: “Al eshtqaq, Al mushtark, and Al kyas”.
Lexicography and E’rab are also included in the module.
This module provides students with a comprehensive study of rhetoric in the Arabic language.
This module provides students with learning opportunities to analyse and discuss Arabic texts within the medium of Arabic.
Students will be exposed to conventional Arabic literature and gain a deeper understanding of Modern Standard Arabic in context.
This module provides students with learning opportunities to analyse and discuss Arabic texts within the medium of Arabic.
Students will be exposed to conventional Arabic literature and gain a deeper understanding of Modern Standard Arabic in context.
Module Description and Aim(s)/ Objective(s)
This module provides students with valuable Islamic teachings as presented in Prophetic traditions. The texts are explained in an easy manner to allow students to understand and observe these teachings and etiquettes, while learning Arabic at the same time. The language acquisition is consolidated through activities focusing on using the newly-acquired vocabulary.
Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this module, students should be able to:
- Explain the difference between classical Arabic and Modern Standard Arabic
- Define and explain selected prophetic traditions and narrations
- Read prophetic traditions fluently
- Construct sentences using newly-acquired vocabulary