Associate of Arts In Education (AED)

> Course Description Content

Course Description Content


Course Description

This course will cover the main theories, principles, and methods of Child Psychology. The Islamic perspective on the nature, characteristics, and development of children will be discussed within each module. Scientific theories and prin-ciples will also be integrated in various topics.

This course explores different strategies for effectively managing the classroom, from designing rules, procedures, and consequences to implementing innovative activities in the classroom to actively engage all learners. After completing the course, students will be able to establish a successful learning environment and will be equipped with the knowledge and consciousness that will enable them to reflect on their teaching and make adjustments as needed. Attention is given to designing lesson plans for an Islamic Studies class. Students are expected to maintain a journal and to post journal entries in the forum on a weekly basis. Students should respond to other students’ posts as well.

This course is structured to build the young Muslim Professional: It is a stratified system clearly highlighting the meanings of Professionalism, Management and Leadership; demystifying the misnomers and taking a profound look at all three to bring a full and clear concept in the minds of the students regarding how to implement them and yet still not disregard the Islamic teachings.

This course explores differentiated instruction in depth, beginning with a definition of differentiated instruction and a discussion about its components. Students will not only look at theory but will also learn how to design a differentiated lesson plan for an Islamic Studies class.

This course deals with the historical and philosophical perspectives related to the dissemination of knowledge within various nations and cultures past and present. This course will provide a brief overview of the history of education in general to give the student the background information they need to help build alternative educational approaches in the future. This course will cover various cultures and societies however; its greatest emphasis will be placed on Islamiceducational history and philosophy. The overarching theme for this course will be how nations implemented educational principals that enabled them to become great civilizations or nations in their time. Another theme is how the dissemination of education in the early years of Islam caused the Islamic Empire to be the greatest world power of its time and abandoning our fundamental principals was the cause for our decline. By the end of this course, the student should have broad knowledge about the dissemination of knowledge in various nations and how it benefitted or harmed them.

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Islamic Studies

Course Description


Arabic Grammar Level 1 introduces students to Arabic grammar in a unique way based on the frequency of vocabulary usage. Level 1 focuses completely on the major nominal grammatical constructions. Its lessons are taught using English as the medium of instruction in order to give the student a basic understanding of Arabic grammar from an English grammatical perspective.


A. Required Text:

  •      Bilal Philips, Arabic Grammar made easy (Book One)



Course Description

Arabic Grammar Level 2 develops knowledge of Arabic grammar in a unique way based on the frequency of vocabulary usage. Level 2 focuses mainly on the morphology of verbs in the perfect tense and their grammatical constructions. Its lessons are taught using English as the medium of instruction in order to further develop the student`s basic understanding of Arabic grammar from an English grammatical perspective.


A. Required Text:

  •  Bilal Philips, Arabic Grammar made easy (Book One)

B. Supplementary Text:

  • Slideshow Presentation

Arabic 202

In this course the student is provided with an excellent introduction to grammar rules, grammatical analysis, morphology, vocabulary and expressions

I. Objectives

A.  To teach grammar rules

B.   To equip student with the skill of analyzing the text.

C.  To enrich student’s vocabulary

D.  To enhance student’s language skills-hearing, speaking, reading and writing

E.  To develop skills to communicate with Arabic speakers by writing and speaking

F.  To create awareness regarding the aspects of Islamic culture


A. Required Text:

دروس اللغة العربية -book 2

Course Description

This course is a critical study of the history of Islamic legislation and the evolution of its various schools of law. 

A. Required Texts: 

Bilal Philips, The Evolution of Fiqh,
Bilal Philips, The Chennai Treatise

B. Supplementary Texts: 

‘Abdur Rahman Doi, The Shariah



1. Providing the student with knowledge enabling him to understand the acts of worship and their correct ettiquette

2. Clarifying the wisdom behind the legislation of acts of worship and their effects on human behavior.



A. Salaah.

     1. Tahaarah

    Minor and Major Purification and their rules

    Wiping Socks, Categories of Water, Ritual Impurity, Menstruation

     2. Definition of Salaah, Its Status, Importance and Wisdom

     3. Prayer Times

     4. Conditions for Validity

     5. Obligatory and Recommended Portions of Prayer, Invalidators

     6. Sujoodus-Sahw (Prostrations for Forgetfulness)

     7. Making up Prayers

     8. Recommended Prayers

     9. Congregational Prayers and their Rules

     10. Method of Salaatul-Mareed

     11. Funeral Prayers


B. Zakaah

     1. Definition, Status, Importance and Wisdom

     2. Conditions for Obligation

     3. Types of Wealth Requiring Zakaah

     4. Heads of Expenditure for Zakaah

 C. Sawm

     1. Definition, Status, Importance and Wisdom

     2. Conditions for Fasting

     3. Atonement for Invalidation

     4. Permissible Acts While Fasting

     5. Seclusion and its Rules


D. Hajj

     1. Definition, Status, Importance and Wisdom

     2. Obligation and Its Types: Mufrid, Muqrin and Mutamatti

     3. Obligatory and Recommended Acts of Hajj

     4. Scrificial Animals and Atonement

     5. Ruling Concerning Visitation of the Prophet’s Mosque



A. Required Text:

     Salih Al-Fawzan, A Summary of Islamic Jurisprudence, vol. 1

B. Supplementary Texts:

     Sayyid Sabiq, Fiqh us-Sunnah I-V (Eng. Trans.)


Course Description

This course is comprised of a study of the fundamental issues of Islamic jurisprudence. Only fiqhul muamalaat (trade transactions) will be covered in this course. The sound sunnah of the Prophet (PBUH) is presented with authentic conclusive evidence. Where ever required modern day examples are mentioned and incorporated. The dire need to know the Islamic rulings of techniques and systems in place in modern day businesses is not ignored.



A. Required Text:

     Salih Al-Fawzaan, A Summary of Islamic Jurisprudence, vol.2

B. Supplementary Texts:

   Fiqhus Sunnah, Sayyid Sabiq,


Course Description

This course is comprised of a study of the fundamental issues of Islamic Law. The book of Marriage is full of issues regarding family matters where nikaah issues, marital discord, and more are discussed. It is a course in which both married and unmarried students will find immense benefit. While going through all the academic lingo of the subject you will Insha Allah benefit from it for your personal life and those around you. 


A. Required Text:

  • Salih Al-Fawzaan, A Summary of Islamic Jurisprudence, vol.2

B. Supplementary Texts:

  • Fiqhus Sunnah, Sayyid Sabiq,
  • Azzawaaj al Islami by Shaykh Mahmood Al Masri,
  • Isharun Nisaa by Shaykh Usamah bin Kamal 

Course Description


This course entails a study of the most important events in the life of the Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) between his birth and migration to Madeenah. It explores the challenges he encountered and the manners with which he responded to them.


I. Objectives 

  • To enable the student to understand the personality and the character of the noble Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) both as a man and a Prophet.
  • To further appreciate the Prophet (Peace be upon him) as a model and guide.
  • To develop the student’s basic knowledge and understanding of the Qur’aan as it was enacted and practiced by the Prophet (Peace be upon him).
  • To enable the students to acquire the tools of tarbia (character development) and da’wah (Islamic propagation) as they were taught by the Prophet (Peace be upon him).
  • To enkindle love for the Prophet (Peace be upon him) in the hearts of students and inspire them to follow his footsteps.


II.  Class Content

A. Sources of Seerah – Reasons for studying the Seerah and importance of Seerah

B. Social and religious condition among the Arabs of the Arabian Peninsula prior to Islaam

C. From the Prophet’s (Peace be upon him) birth until the beginning of his prophethood.

1. His ancestry

2. Events at the time of his birth

3. His orphaning and adoption by his grandfather and uncle

4. His wet-nursing and the opening of his chest

5. Allaah’s protection of him from idolatry

6. His travels

7. The Fudool pact and early signs of his impending prophethood

8. His seclusion in Hiraa Cave

9. The coming of revelation, secret Da’wah, open Da’wah, methods of the pagans in opposition to the da’wah, and his sufferings

D. The first two Hijrahs to Ethiopia

E. His presenting Islaam to the tribes

F. His night journey to Jerusalem and his ascension into the heavens

G. The first pledge of allegiance at al-‘Aqabah

H. The second pledge of al-‘Aqabah and its consequences

I. The Hijrah of the Prophet (Peace be upon him) from Makkah to Madeenah

1. Reasons and goals of the Hijrah

2. The ruling regarding Hijrah and the virtues of Hijrah

3. Lessons derived

J. The Madeenah Period: Foundations of the New Community

1. Building the Mosque

2. The brotherhood of faith between emigrants and Muslims of Madeenah

3. Writing the Constitution

Point of Note

When teaching this course, care should be taken to firmly establish the facts from the Qur’aan and authentic Sunnah and the more correct position on issues in which Seerah scholars differed while focusing on the lessons to be learned from the facts and events of the Seerah.



A. Required Text:

  • Muhammad Ghazali, Fiqh us-Seerah
  • Safiur Rahman al-Mubarakpuri, The Sealed Nectar     


B. Supplementary Texts:

  • Mahdi Rizqullah Ahmad, A Biography of the Prophet of Islam: In the Light of the Original Sources
  • Zakaria Bashir, The Meccan Crucible, The Hijrah, Sunshine in Madinah,
  • Mustafa as-Sibaa’ie, The Life of Prophet Muhammad; Highlights and Lessons
  • Imaam Soyootee, The Caliphs Who Took the Right Way
  • Masud-ul-Hasan, History of Islam
  •  S. Abul Hasan Ali Nadwi, Muhammad The Last Prophet

Course Description


This course entails a study of the most important events in the life of the Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) from his arrival in Madina until his demise. It examines his persistent efforts to deliver the message of Islam and the examples he set for future generations to follow. It assesses the causes, conductand outcomes of his military campaigns and puts them in perspective.


I. Objectives 

  • To enable the student to understand the personality and the character of the noble Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) both as a man and a Prophet.
  • To further appreciate the Prophet (Peace be upon him) as a model and guide.
  • To develop the student’s basic knowledge and understanding of the Qur’aan as it was enacted and practiced by the Prophet (Peace be upon him).
  • To enable the students to acquire the tools of tarbia (character development) and da’wah (Islamic propagation) as they were taught by the Prophet (Peace be upon him).
  • To enkindle love for the Prophet (Peace be upon him) in the hearts of students and inspire them to follow his footsteps.


II.  Class Content

A. The Battles: Their causes, date, results, effects, and lessons to be learned

1. The Battle of Badr

2.The Battle of Uhud

3. The Battle of the Nadeer Clan

4. The Battle of Thaat ar-Ruqaa‘

5. The Battle of the Clans (Trench)

B. The causes, dates, results, effects, and lessons to be learned for all

1. The Treaty of Hudaybiyyah

2. The Battle of Khaybar

3. Letters to kings and rulers

4. The Battle of Hunayn

5. The Battle of Taa’if

6. The Battle of Tabook

7. Year of the Delegations

8. Aboo Bakr’s Hajj with the masses

9. The Farewell Pilgrimage

10. Illness and death of the Prophet (Peace be upon him)

11. Aboo Bakr’s appointment as the Caliph

C. The Prophet’s (Peace be upon him) Household

D. The Prophet’s (Peace be upon him) Character and Manners

Point of Note

When teaching this course, care should be taken to firmly establish the facts from the Qur’aan and authentic Sunnah and the more correct position on issues in which Seerah scholars differed while focusing on the lessons to be learned from the facts and events of the Seerah.



A. Required Text:

  • Muhammad Ghazali, Fiqh us-Seerah
  • Safiur Rahman al-Mubarakpuri, The Sealed Nectar     


B. Supplementary Texts:

  • Mahdi Rizqullah Ahmad, A Biography of the Prophet of Islam: In the Light of the Original Sources
  • Zakaria Bashir, The Meccan Crucible, The Hijrah, Sunshine in Madinah,
  • Mustafa as-Sibaa’ie, The Life of Prophet Muhammad; Highlights and Lessons
  • Imaam Soyootee, The Caliphs Who Took the Right Way
  • Masud-ul-Hasan, History of Islam
  •  S. Abul Hasan Ali Nadwi, Muhammad The Last Prophet

  Course Description

This course, originally designed for adults by King Saud University, Riyadh, develops Arabic reading and writing skills gradually and logically without requiring the learner to memorize all 28 letters of the alphabet plus their 112 variations before learning to read and write. It has been modified with English explanations and presentations to further simplify the learning process for adult English speakers.

ARB 100 (Reading and Writing) is a noncredit and optional course for those who do not know how to read and write Arabic script.

I. Objectives

  • To enable the student read and write Arabic.

II. Textbooks :

A. Required Text:

  • Bilal Philips, Arabic Reading and Writing Made Easy
III. Fees: 
Course fee of ARB 100 will be applicable according to the sliding scale below for the students of the AED program. This fee is separate from the regular semester fees:
a. Very High Human Development Country : $25 USD
b. High Human Development Country : $20 USD
c. Medium Human Development Country : $15 USD
d. Low Human Development Country : $10 USD
To enroll in the course, please visit ARB 100 enrollment portal. 

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