Organization of Schooling
Developmental, ungraded wings • Continuum classes • Team teaching • Collaboration within same grade level • Multi-grade class (4-8) • Team teaching • School-within- a-school: Houses • Integrated core courses • School-within- a-school: Families • School-within- a-school: Families.
Productive Uses of Time
Block scheduling • After-school tutoring • Summer school • Block scheduling • After-school tutoring • Year-round schedule • Extended block of time for language arts • After-school tutoring • After-school tutoring • Block scheduling • After-school tutoring • Block scheduling • After-school tutoring • Block scheduling • After-school tutoring • After-school tutoring.
Teacher Collaboration
Cross-grade and within grade level planning • Teacher collaboration within wings • Weekly minimum days for joint planning • Team teaching • Common planning time for teachers • Daily common planning time for teachers • Team teaching • Daily common planning time for teachers • Daily common planning time for teachers • Daily common planning time for teachers.

rule no 1
Respect People and Property Students are to be respectful in attitude and manner to people and property..

rule no2
Attend School Regularly Students are to attend all academic programmes, co-curricular activities, school functions and other school related programmes..

rule no3
Do and Submit Work Students are to work diligently not only on assigned daily class work, homework, projects and others but also have regular self-revision in order to ensure quality work is produced..
science project
A science project is an educational activity for students involving experiments or construction of models in one of the science disciplines.
Creative Design
Student Projects. These projects are examples of the work that is done at all of the High Tech High Schools. It is our record of what we have done .
Awesome school ideas
Project-based learning (PBL) or project-based instruction is an instructional approach designed to give students the opportunity to develop .
Strategy Solutions on school issues
To address these challenges, the Zambian government has committed to educational ... find it fairly easy to obtain public school services.
App Development in computer labs
App Development refers to the creation of computer applications for use on mobile devices such as tablets, smartphones and smart watches. Mobile device features.
is written for the web designer or developer who wants a fast, example-oriented introduction to the new HTML and CSS features. .
Simple and Clean Codes
t Code cleanup refers to the act of writing code so that it cleans up leftover data structures and other unwanted materials from memory and the filesystem. .
Layout Design of school
Lumezi Boarding is a public secondary school, this institution is public owned. Located in Lundazi (Eastern-ZM), this institution is classified as a rural education institution. Type Ordinary School.
Unlimited Support on school issues
If you file a complaint with the school, the principal is required by law to investigate and fix the problem. Your school, including teachers and administrators, is required by law to protect you and must take the necessary steps to stop any form of bullying.
goals of our school
The main goals of lumezi boarding School are to: educate students for future success; promote academic excellence and equity for a diverse population of students within the public education system; provide a choice of educational opportunities within a public school system for parents, students, and educators..
Be inspired by action plans from primary, secondary and special schools at different stages of their improvement journey, including schools that moved from 'requires improvement' or 'inadequate' to 'good'..
- Font-Awesome Integration
- Multiple unique designs
- Clean coded, responsive and multipurpose
- Pages valid on w3c.
- Well documented.
- Easy to customization.