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Post-reap misfortunes are high in Zambia, with smallholder ranchers losing a normal 30 percent of their creation yearly. The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) says the greater part of yield misfortune happens after reap, before grains arrive at buyers Compelled to sell their produce at low costs before long gather to save their yield from creepy crawly and rat harm attributable to helpless storerooms, ranchers are regularly food uncertain and under water. Helpless collecting techniques and storage spaces add to high edit misfortunes and food squander in Africa. In any case, because of the reception of savvy post-gather innovations, Zambian soybean ranchers are saving a large portion of the yield that would somehow have been lost.


Innovation is more important in modern agriculture than ever before. The industry as a whole is facing huge challenges, from rising costs of supplies, a shortage of labor, and changes in consumer preferences for transparency and sustainability. There is increasing recognition from agriculture corporations that solutions are needed for these challenges.The traditional livestock industry is a sector that is widely overlooked and under-serviced, although it is arguably the most vital. Livestock provides much needed renewable, natural resources that we rely on every day. Sensor and data technologies have huge benefits for the current livestock industry. It can improve the productivity and welfare of livestock by detecting sick animals and intelligently recognizing room for improvement.


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